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APD Corporal
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About Silver-Spy

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    Retired Mod | LT |

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  1. Im not sure why it was removed in the first place? wasnt there when that happened. In my opinion parole is a win win for both civs and cops
  2. Yeah just dont pull a Paratus and start Identity 2.0 @Mitch. Looking forward to see what you guys do
  3. Silver-Spy

    s2 dom

    My main concern is that splitting the player base between two servers when Dom is active will divide the community. It reminds me off pre-wipe days when most players and gangs just played Dom. A better approach might be to address and fix the underlying issues. If these issues are game breaking then yeah open S2 but for now having dom event in S1 is a cool idea and something different.
  4. Id be down to see go karts explode
  5. Silver-Spy


    Your whitelisted now
  6. Rando beat to it. Great job guys!
  7. Code was refactored on V2 there is no more mem leaks
  8. Why would you want more space for planes?. When drug runner missions were added everyone did them. If your good at landing you are always gonna make easy money. Yes they could be improved but i rather have people do illegal activities on ground than fly around from point A to point B scroll wheel and do it all over again Ghost hawks are extremely rare thing only captains can pull them with some rules attached to it as well. I hate Dom planes on Olympus and i would definately not like the added on Asylum. Not a big fan of it but sure i guess I think this could be great but take more time to develop. There are only few custom key binds you really need. The one on Olympus is not that great with so many settings you can change etc. So in my opiion we dont really need this We once had no seat belts. Then seat belts got added. Then it got removed and added to what we have now so basically protection without scroll wheel to add your seatbelt. The current version is fine. The one Oly has is some what same. I did not feel anything different to be honest Sure
  9. Like Nathan said most of the caps are pretty well balanced. We dont need to make cartels look pretty.
  10. Great job need few tweaks but still love the work you guys!
  11. Can you elaborate a bit more in detail?. Provide an example use case @livernuts
  12. +1 tired of collecting sand with my Tempest
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