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Tim but not Tim

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Everything posted by Tim but not Tim

  1. 1. In-game alias?: Skinny Tim2. Location (country or state) & Age : United States, New Jersey & 163. How long have you played on the Asylum Servers?: 1000 Hours4. Any previous gang affiliation? What gang(s)?: Altis Task Force5. What are you best at? (Cartels, Hot-Drops, Sniping. With Examples) : Decent at sniping, Good at holding down cartels, Very good at hot dropping. The things that i'm best at are usually following orders from my superiors but I was never a leader but given the chance I believe I can be one great higher up. 6. Have you ever been banned from The Asylum? (Explain.): Yes, I get banned from usually silly things that I do that should be bannable, via false RDM claims but Ive been permanently banned once before for duping but I have learned that cheating doesn't always mean that you are winning.7. How often do you play? (hours per day): Daily, I goto school, come home and play Arma until 11:00 or so at night.8. Tell us something about you. What can you bring to the team? Why should we accept you?: I can bring my energetic personality and my different combat skills to the table. I have different skills available such as close combat, also I can also bring my good driving/flying skills to the table.
  2. I didnt post to three at once, did I?
  3. -Game Name: Skinny Tim Age: 16 Estimated Asylum Time: 1000. Bank Balance: 250k ( I just bought scotch houses, give me a break.) Have you ever been banned? Yeah, I've been banned one time for a perma, and a couple other offenses. Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? Obviously old sport ;). Current and Past Gangs? Altis Task Force, and as of now none. Why do you want to join our gang? I'm starting to realize as these days go on that I would rather be well off with a team of members that I can communicate with and have fun with rather then be an alone boy considering that when I die due to certain things I don't have back up. What kind of cartel experience do you have? In Altis Task Force we use to cap cartels alot and I just do what im told during them, I don't ask questions and surely don't talk out of context. Can you help lead in a cartel? Well I have been well off without a gang for so long that I dont think I can lead as of now, if I get enough practice with the gang then surely I can get the hang of leading. What are you best at? (Shooting long range,cqc,flying,ifrit driving....) Good at driving hatchback sports, long range im alright, but usually im just waiting for people to finish their runs and be waiting at the dealers to take their income, but during cartel season I can hold down positions fairly well and most of all my personality is an ice breaker.
  4. In-Game Name: Tim Any other previous names you have gone by: | ßкŧ | Tim Arma and Asylum Hours (approx.): 400 Hours Have you ever been Banned? If so, why? When I was new I did not know you couldn't bounty boost but I soon learned after that mistake. Current/Past Gangs: Bankok Triad Do you have a Mic and Teamspeak? Yeah What can you bring to ATF? What I can bring to ATF is my kind-hearted personality and the different types of skill I can offer to the gang. I think I would be the perfect addition to your gang because I would do anything for anyone, I am committed to the things that I work for and I also can care for the members of the gang during the tough times ahead. Thank you for reading my app. Sincerely, Tim.
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