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SMOK3R33F3R 2.0

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Everything posted by SMOK3R33F3R 2.0

  1. can I have my other account back now since it has better community rep, I wont spam forums anymore
  2. Henry facemaster I was never banned for extreme racism lol, I was banned for repeatedly posting threads on how they should fix the battle eye kicking me every 10minutes. Took some time off and have found they seemed to have fixed it, except for on server 4 it seems..
  3. Just wondering if the creator of asylum life is also the creator of the upcoming Identity. Also wondering if Identity is basically supposed to be asylum life but created on their own game engine to avoid paying fees to the creators of Arma3. Btw yes it is Smok3r33f3r the original and infamous.. Just got back hoping the servers are still just as live as when I left them. These servers could use a little bit of advertisement...
  4. It is me the great Smok3r33f3r
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