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  1. Okay, so they do have a ping just like BHs. Then it makes sense. Makes being a BH really difficult though.
  2. It just dawned on me as I was helping out my friend do Bounties that there are some individuals in the police force surgically eliminating Bounties (especially remote, isolated individuals). At first I dismissed it as a instance of a well-oiled active police force, but after the second day, it being the same officer (over, and over, and over, and over) I am very suspicious. Not only was it consistant, it was matched the bounties that my partner received every time. I am not sure if this is an exploitation of the BH system for the benefit of the police force, and/or a violation of RP or something; I just thought it 1: makes it more frustrating to be a honest BH, 2: makes the BH useless 3: ruins RP since cops are just driving straight (off-road for no reason) directly to an isolated bounty. Any one else see this, or is it just me?
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