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Bash Barti

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Everything posted by Bash Barti

  1. how many fucking war points do we need
  2. Basically what i said...it would be the equivalent to an honor system for bounty hunters just with war points.
  3. If you kill people at a gang war, you get war points. If you die from a gang war you lose war points. The tree should all be based off the amount of war points you have. Perks like slightly cheaper ifrits and not pinging at certain places could be implemented but also upgraded. As a bounty hunter you have plenty of different perks that can be upgraded like crusader and master crusader. Different upgrades like cheaper CSATS or cheaper guns would be nice so no governor jews the fuck out of you on an MK-1. How about making cartels produce more dirty money or something to make rebel life more active. Try something that puts this life server above olympus. @bamf @Gnashes
  4. It should be 10% of any drug run should go into the gang bank of the people that own the cartel like olympus.
  5. I mean one can only hope right...close server 4 and have those people fill gaps within 2 and 3. Maybe more gangs will come into the 3 remaining.
  6. I don't think it touched 40k last night on any cartel
  7. Honestly the rate at which dirty money is produced in the cartels is so shit, sometimes the full three hours may pass with no more then 30k in total being generated and at that point it's so pathetic. It should generate at least 35k an hour automatically(without some gang running meth without drug cartel) so people have a full fridge at the end of restart.
  8. Or all of it goes in so people fight for the cap rather then the money that's in it...
  9. 7.62 is already a generic talent for everyone but something that makes ifrits cheaper or cheaper mk-1s once you reach a certain amount of war points so no one has to spend 13.5k for it. Honestly i don't know but like everyone can come up with different ideas and maybe they implement something.
  10. Welp, they're probably counting the money they made off of crate keys right about now
  11. Bounty hunters have honor perks and receive honor by turning people in but us @Skrood. RAYBELLS have nothing but war rating that clogs up chat. Servers are dead and gang life is even more dead. I don't know what the fuck the benefits would be but these devs need to do something to bring it back. KMS
  12. Name: Laith Time Zone: est Age: 16 Arma 3 Hours : 1500 Asylum Hours : 700 Money 640,000 million And Ifrits / Helicopters Possessed: 1 ifirit 1 orca Previous Gang Affiliations: Northbridge and Magenta Who can Vouch for you?: Vast, Vinn, Lil pump
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