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Everything posted by SledGangXd

  1. They keep bringing it up so I keep bringing it up
  2. Please allow time Bohemia is working on the bugs asap http://prntscr.com/k32zhn
  3. New Feature the cops can now lock you in your orca and wait for it to blow up then climb up the ladder
  4. no shit we wiped the apd 4 times had a strider and a hunter then another gang comes in and we are fighting them and this fucking idiot comes along
  5. Im in the middle of playing a game some not worried about spelling fucking small dick bitch cock eating hoe bag
  6. we all were zoomed in fighting other people stfu you handicap
  7. Didnt you teamkill like 6 people throughout all your cartel fights stfu retard
  8. this loser had the video uploaded before the fight was over he thinks that was a good clip he is fucking retarded hasnt gotten a kill over 100 meters he kept coming back he got tired of buying loadouts
  9. I havnt ever been permd fucking mong and im not in zr
  10. shadow calm down buddy holy shit i can see the vain in Ur forehead popping out
  11. You are shit at this game. How about you post where I 1 tapped you 600 meters out or when I shot you out of the heli while we were robbing the bank
  12. I will 1v1 you for 1mil Just lmk other than that shut the fuck up
  13. You are retarded We did the bank wiped the cops over and over then we landed to fight another gang and the cops show up. Who are you again?
  14. Sorry do you fight cartels? no. You are irreleleleleleleleiiiivent. go die
  15. You aRE STUPID WE WERE KINDA FIGHTING 6 other people you fucking idiot
  16. Hello, Guys its sled here, everyone in the asylum community please Stop bothering the developers about the ongoing server kicks/Crashes. This is not our fault, It is a Bohemia Bug we cannot fix this just wait it out. UPDATE: Picture Directly From Bohemia Website
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