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  1. In game name: Aidan Teamspeak name: Aidan Timezone: EST Age: 17 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): 1065 https://gyazo.com/cbbb08c94c663cf49c9e9c7749f2da78 What members can vouch for you?: Galaxy (maybe?) Why should we accept you into Exposed Gaming?: Very experienced marksman and heli pilot. I'm looking for a gang to fight cartels with. I can pull my own weight in terms of making money. The server you are most active on?: Server 3, and when 3 isn't up 4 Previous Gangs, you were in?: Narcos (N) and VEX Most active time for you(weekdays, nights, weekends, etc.): Weekends are most active, but I am on most week days at night as well.
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