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Posts posted by Brynn

  1. 1 hour ago, Mason Statham said:

    If they shot you after one second it's RDM since you wouldn't of been able to register and meet there demands. But generally if your unarmed and getting chased down by a bunch of rebels it's probs best to comply to there demands and try to bargain with them in some way.

    Interesting. I just read this in another thread and you're right, it wasn't really fair. What should i do?

    I would've gave them the profits from the oil, but instead i was left with nothing and my truck was taken to the chop shop. It would've been more fun to negotiate. 


    1 hour ago, Penguin_ said:

    Get to know some people and get a group growing. It’s always more dangerous to go alone. People will always be out trying to rob someone so having people by your side is always a good option. 

    How do I do this? I don't think most people find much fun in following around a simple oil tanker.

  2. Hey guys,

    So I'm a pretty new player to Altis, but I've been playing ARMA since Operation Flashpoint. Since I've owned ARMA 3 I decided to get into some of the RPG servers. I've spent a lot of time playing Garry's Mod a few years ago when Serious Roleplaying Hell was a thing, and ARMA 3 Altis seems to have a similar experience.

    I really like playing EMS, but I had no money. So I set out to make some money for the Ambulance and the Medivac. Looked at some guides on the forums, did some googling. I started by picking apples, to buy my first truck. Then i started harvesting cut wood. After a couple hours of that, I was able to buy my first oil truck. As soon as I went to gather some oil, and some dudes came to rob me. After learning i was new, they left me alone and didn't steal my truck. I was pleasantly surprised (and quite relieved), and I made a mental commitment to send them the money from the profits as a reward for being generous and kind to me.

    On my way to the Oil processing plant to refine my first load of oil, I got a text that said "Get out or die", from a new pair of people. A second later, I was dead. About 6 hours of work, just gone, in an instant.

    It's immediately apparent to me that this isn't like DarkRP in any of the ways I'd hoped. So, I wonder, what's the point? Am I doing something wrong? What should I have done? I want to have fun with Altis, but I'm struggling to do so. Should I just buy a gun and follow new people around, stealing their stuff? Is doing honest work not part of the meta? Is the whole server just million dollar gangs out to kill cops and civilians?

    For now, I'll stick to CTI servers, but I'd like to hear some feedback on what I should have done. Right now, it just seems punishing to me to play. 


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