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Elver Galarga

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Everything posted by Elver Galarga

  1. Application format: In game name: Elver Galarga Teamspeak name: Elver Timezone: EST Age: 20 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/ea6f97c253d57228ecf5585c79ecc397 What members can vouch for you?: None never played with any Why should we accept you into Exposed Gaming?: I have experience with mostly everything except for flying planes. Also, I know how to take orders and follow the orders. I have most licences and can afford the ones I don't have. The server you are most active on?: 1 and 2 but can play on any Previous Gangs, you were in?: Spartan, CDS Most active time for you(weekdays, nights, weekends, etc.): weekdays all day, weekends nights
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