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Posts posted by BoreyBando

  1. Honestly I completely disagree, you're looking at it from a very closed perspective. There is many reason as to why adding it back or a slightly nerf'd version could be beneficial. House weed caused players to sit afk in there house which in turn raised the server population & ranking and that causes a domino effect where other players join due to it's high popularity. As an older player back in the community I know there was plenty of people who would do this and raise server pop at all hours. House weed also made drug dealers in all cities more popular and more exiting, though people want safe runs and all that, the excitement of this game comes from fire fights, robberies, ext... House weed also added another aspect of prime real-estate based on location or maybe view of drug dealer.


    And on a side note I think the way you guys went about updates wasn't the best in all respect, resetting quests ext... I think quest should have been added and but as far as bounty progress go I know that annoyed a lot of people.

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