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Riot INC

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Everything posted by Riot INC

  1. To me it just seems like redgull is just a very tedious thing. I understand it won't be taken out because we need to have some way to regen sprint but make it longer so I don't have to use it every 2 minutes when I may not even run the whole time.
  2. Maybe they could add another boat that can't be picked up by orcas but holds more and is faster.
  3. I heard their burst is intense rn. I think we should get outta this thread XD
  4. Sold my account ages ago XD Waiting for legion and ill get glad. Shit looks so good
  5. Alliance, Kel'Thuzad, Druid. Already did that. XD
  6. I always liked the idea of fighting in the water but to me it seems like the only time i get a chance is if I am at Oil, which even when i cap it is rare to fight, or sitting outside the prison in the water. Would be nice to add an underwater turf or something that could boost oil and rubber production or turtle prices/yield. Maybe people hate water fights so wanted to see what people thought. EDIT: Just another idea for having a turf in the water could be excavating bonuses.
  7. Yah that would be cool. maybe water delivery missions or towing something that's illegal.
  8. I would rather have redgull or something that can make me run for 10 minutes. It makes almost 0 difference in gameplay it is just MUCH less tedious to use it once every 10 minutes rather than once once every 2. The issue I have with cocaine is it is illegal and if i just want redgulls to run rip me and not sure but aren't there side affects?
  9. So recently I found out about alcohol and it was fun for a little. Ofc it is the same gather this and process that as every single way to make money on asylum besides robbing things. I just wanted to try and brainstorm ideas of ways we could make money besides needing a big group for banks and feds, but doesn't follow the same gather and sell as everything else.
  10. Every single person at one point
  11. Maybe have a basic rank editing system with a few options on what each rank can do. For example, have a set of check boxes each with permissions that you can check off per rank.
  12. Accepted. I PMed you the TS. If you pass your interview you will be put on your trial week.
  13. You get 1-4 rubber per run and only need 10 to make an orca. If you have the talents you get even more. I don't see this as an issue considering the fact that A, I can usually find someone to sell me rubber if I'm too lazy and B, I don't think I have been robbed a single time making oil/rubber.
  14. Accepted. I PMed you the teamspeak info. Once you are in we will start the interview process.
  15. For everyone looking at http://www.gaming-asylum.com/donate/ Don't follow this too closely. It is missing important things like being able to have crates and debit cards.
  16. I feel the same way. If you don't do your job you volunteer for why be an admin?
  17. Well your thinking about it in a super basic format like gangs. You can easily make it require certain criteria like recommendations from staff or a certain playtime with 0 strikes and various tests. You can still make becoming staff challenging but at least have a direct route to work toward,
  18. One reason this happens is when people have multiple keys for the same vehicle. Happens with our orcas a lot.
  19. I'm not sure if maybe I haven't looked hard enough but the only way to become staff is just to be asked correct? If this is the case then potential canidates literally have no way to try and apply. I don't see that much of an issue with this as long as new staff that are eager flow in. Makes the seniors do less work and manage the lower ranks kind of like being a cop.
  20. Again I just want to try and come up with ways we COULD make the staff system better. I get it, people don't always want to play but it shouldn't be hard to have 1 or 2 people always handling things considering how many staff there are and how many people there are that could potentially make great staff. Even if there were tons of staff, I do believe the issue would remain.
  21. Yah this is what was weird to me. I would assume that literally the #1 Altis Life community would have the most active and helpful staff. Many are good it's just to even get in contact with any staff takes forever.
  22. There are ways to handle things in game and recruit staff as well as limit them to maybe create something lower than moderator so they can handle things in game as well. Staff aren't stupid they won't just ban people without looking into first as well. you screaming RDM would just make them not help you.
  23. I never said they didn't. My point is the system is flawed and there has to be a way to make it so people don't sit in teamspeak for hours waiting for help and going through long processes just to get your money back or get support.
  24. I wasn't flaming staff and I don't think it's possible to know the difficulty without being staff. And being a staff is a choice. They do it because they want to. Them not getting anything doesn't make a difference because they could just not be a staff member. No one is forcing them to play you know? And I do respect admins because it takes a lot of work and time to get to where they are.
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