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APD Captain
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About Jr4life24

APD Training Command

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  1. Jr4life24

    group limit

    Ghost hawk pulled and not even an active captain was online. 🤷‍♂️
  2. #Bringbackthedome I miss the HQ individuality. I truly don't understand why we got rid of each of the HQ's unique buildings/style
  3. https://gaming-asylum.fandom.com/wiki/Section_F
  4. Send your steam 64 to @Azeh
  5. Yall already have 7 rebels including a rotating boat?
  6. You do understand that a cops job is to endlessly chase illegal contraband until either you lose the cops, or kill them. Imagine two constables spot an ifrit and they get faced with a choice, either ignore it and risk corruption blacklist (within reason there is exceptions) or chase it down and spray the wheels with 6.5/5.56 mag after mag until they finally pop a tire. That’s not enjoyable to our lower ranks and thus it requires us to have a tool to disable vehicles at all ranks. They aren’t hard to dodge, all you have to do is to do a sharp break and immediate left or right turn. I’d be happy to teach you how to avoid them if you’d like next time we’re both on the server so that way you can outskill those silly constables and corporals with their $1,000 spike strips
  7. The biggest value in a life server is time, having an increased storage means less wasted time and more money per hour. It's a major issue and if you fail to understand how large of an advantage that provides you then I'm not sure how to help you out with that.
  8. Effective Immediately All clear function - The all clear function on the phone will become the primary way of marking illegal zones going forward. When marking a field, it will turn orange and place it on a 20 minute timer (Currently 30 due to temp policy.) The zone will turn orange when on cooldown ,when on cooldown you must have one of these 6 reasons to enter If a 911 text is sent within the illegal area. If a fugitive pings from inside of the illegal area. If a vehicle with a tracker enters the illegal area. If nearby traffic enters the illegal area. Active visual pursuit into the illegal area. If an officer needs to update a warrant or APB. Removed from the Guidebook Possession of Tobacco Possession of Dark Fungi Possession of Heisenberg Meth Possession of Patient Remains Possession of LSD Possession of PCP Possession of High Potency Cannabis Possession of Illegal Jewels Possession of Antiquities Possession of High Power Rifles Possession of Illegal Weapon Modification Possession of Cocaine Bricks Possession of APD intelligence National HQ breach Gas Mart Robbery Raiding the Evidence Lockup Any reference to Stash houses Any reference to Prestige gear Any reference to Armed Jeep/Armed Quilin Any reference to MQ-12 Falcon/Blackfoot Any reference to ED-D 1D Pelter
  9. Effective on June 28th 2024 at 6pm EST. APD Crime Suppression Unit (CSU) In an effort to increase police activity throughout the island, Officers may deploy for CSU. This two man squad will be solely dedicated to responding to 911’s and patrolling illegal areas/cities. CSU requires 7 active officers on duty, two officers may deploy for the patrol unit into the required TS channel. This unit must operate in a pair of officers at all times. If at any instance there are no longer 7 active officers on duty, CSU must disband and return to regular patrol. The unit must be in marked uniforms/cars and are limited to 6.5 caliber max. The unit’s primary objective is to respond to 911 from civilians, and patrol the island. The unit can not use drones at any point, or use a helicopter to patrol illegal areas at any point. The unit will be allowed to ignore federal events unless called upon by a SGT+. (Can be ordered by a SGT+ who is on TS but not in game if no SGT+ is online.) The unit can not be staffed by the highest ranking officer on duty. Undercover Going forward, we’ve felt that the APD has lost its sense of identity with the amount of higher ups who have access to undercover. Going forward we will be restricting its use additionally. Officers who are Undercover should be conducting their own tasks away from marked units. If a marked unit requests for backup, a UC may respond then should separate from marked units afterwards. Undercover vehicles can only be used while conducting undercover situations. (Should switch to marked vehicles for Federal events/assisting marked units when possible.) Officers who are UC may follow the server rule, red=dead as long as Use of Force is followed Federal Event Priority List Federal Reserve Casino Bank of Altis Prison Temporary Patrol and Ruling Changes No house raiding will be performed at this time Officers may not use drones at this time All cop ranks will follow helicopter guidelines. (No searching illegal areas without ground units) Cops may only respond via helicopter if ground units in area. 20 30 minute Cooldown for Checking Illegal Drug Areas (Processors, Fields, Dealers) 2 1 Life rule for all illegal drug areas regardless of how many cops are online (Ex: 5 cops or less is no longer valid) Officers killed in an Illegal zone have a 1 life rule therefore they cannot return to the fight unless revived. If all officers on scene are KIA. All responding officers in route must divert Changes to the Guidebook Terrorism $15,000 - 3 or more Civilians Shooting at police inside an HQ - Due to the threat they pose, suspects may be sent straight to jail at officer discretion Any questions please seek out an active Captain if any questions
  10. o7 We miss hearing probe rage daily
  11. Dom will prob be shut down for a bit, then adjusted and go from there was the comment said.
  12. "Hi guys, I grinded between 1-4 years ago and have stacks upon stacks of cash and have turned a light RP life server into a wasteland server. Now that I'm no longer able to play this like a wasteland server I no longer wanna be here." Crazy.
  13. Already having an active discussion with SA's/Devs atm.
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