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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Isaac

  1. Weren't you in twelve monkeys aswell?
  2. 12 mongs... below the belt... almost like you actually believe calling us 12 mongs deeply offends us..
  3. Gone super off topic now... lock thread pls <3
  4. You say 'record and report' but it's annoying when they roll around in two full hunters & then down you because one of them has your bounty
  5. Words like 'Crying' and throwing about sayings doesn't help, you could've voiced your opinions normally instead of passively aggressively
  6. No, you made an assumption that I was an APD lifer crying...
  7. Can you read? Didn't realise that I wasn't allowed to voice my opinion and see what everyone thinks... asylum ported to north korea?
  8. I asked the question hence the question mark at the end of the Title, Was just seeing what everyone thought and you started calling me out someone must be super insecure
  9. I personally think it's great that bounty hunters got kind of a buff as it is a lot of fun. However I think there needs to be some limitations, they are now using the weapons to down cops and start to down people who they don't even have a bounty for, just camping donor town & rebel spraying down anyone they see then checking if they have a bounty, I personally think that something needs to be done about this, not sure what everyone else thinks <3
  10. pm me pictures and price pls bby
  11. happening to me too & alot of others
  12. still got the 150k or 120k house?
  13. Buying meth or scotch house or both S2 (S3 for a good price)
  14. I believe there's already a mod called 'go fucking outside' i'm sure you'll find it covers the majority of the mods...
  15. -Age: 19 -In game name: Isaac -Previous gangs: played with CMA properly on a previous server but friends and played with them on here -Hours on arma 3: 1112 -How much money: 100k but have been going mad recently -Donator rank (if any): NA -Why do you want to join: I have heard that twelve monkeys are an extremely active gang and are constantly doing stuff and actively involving themselves in the servers cartel fights, you guys seem like you are always on to defend your name and that is something I appreciate as you want to people to be a bit on edge when they capture your cartel and that is something i would definitely like to be a part of -Why should we accept you: I feel that you should accept me as I offer a different perspective in arma fighting, having come from a different server I feel that I can bring some fresh new ideas as to fighting at cartels, I am a fairly competent pilot but excel at medium to close range combat and mrap driving -Hours on asylum (Roughly): No clue, probably 150-200 -Do you know any of our members: Yes, FSX (from previous server) Where you from: London, England
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