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APD Officer
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Everything posted by AegonTargaryenTv

  1. Police needs to play some king of the hill as a part of their training proces... Their rushing is so funny since thats what most of them do in every fight
  2. I have problems as well
  3. I went on life break when asylum got hacked so i can tell that donation perks are not the same and everyone of my friends donated back then but i think that most people that donated back then would not donate if perks were just "cosmetic" like they are going to be now. Bohemia should help devs with money or free hosting if they are going to cut all means for devs to earn money for servers like they are doing now. I just hope asylum can survive
  4. If u put a helicopter at price of 30 000$ then people will just kill you to chop it or just shoot it down because they know how expensive it is for you.
  5. So medic role (EMT) is most underplayed and unwated role and as such it's not really being looked at. Problem is that from 10 emt players 8-9 play it wrong and that leads to situations where if u are "not lucky" to die in Kavala from pistol bangers u wont really get EMT help that you need. I played medic for few restarts today and it's dam great if you do it how it's supposed to be done so i'm going to give my opinion on what are the problems and how can we try to fix them. 1. EMT is special role like POLICE but there is no organization involved Most of the time all EMT's will sit in Kavala and dont support other parts of the map and you will see a lot of guys that dont really know what to do. Because of this we need to at least for a start make teamspeak place for EMT players and force people to be there while they play EMT role. On the long term this will help us to educate people and put some rules in place. Also there will be no more abusing like today when EMT just went to do meth with his gang 2. POLICE is totally out of RP in regard to casualties and medic presence. Police gets money and points for revive and because of that u will never see that police calls EMT for support when there is a bank robery or some event where casualties are to be expected. What you will see is a lot of police contesting with medic on the ground for revive despite the fact its EMT job. Yesterday i hotdrop to respond to call and constable comes with a car gets out and starts to compete with me whos gonna get to the person first Sometimes if feel like if admins gave police 10000$/5min there would still be some cops for whom that would not be enough. We need rules for police on how to react when medic is present and how to rp with that in mind. I would like if you guys could put your ideas and problems and we can get somewhere i hope. (English is not my native so i am sorry for mistakes)
  6. I love asylum because it takes a middle ground between rp and pvp. Some hardcore servers take out pvp completely or they just put like a 100 rules in place to completely discourage you from it. I dont want asylum to became a place where i can walk the streets with my money or drive a truck around not giving a dam because its a safe zone. I dont even want to start about the rules of engagement that most of hardoce rp servers have where you cant really use a "blitzkrieg" when u want to say murder someone because u have to do a long ass rp before that giving other guys a light year of time to prepare.
  7. RP is on a lowest level. They dont even finish dam initiation sentence its like on half sentence u are dead and when u say its rdm they are like "no dude i told u to let the bounty"
  8. Dont get me wrong I love how asylum focused and tried to make BH better but i think that we need to balance this with some sort of whitelist like it is done for the cops. As someone who plays alone for now (most of my friends are still taking a break from altis life) i cant do sh*t because all gangs that were doing bank jobs and fighting are now bh pvp death squads.
  9. My story, Returned today after a long break and my favourite thing to play as was BH so i spawn full geared and ready to hunt some guys. When i was playing a while back bounty hunting wasnt popular and you could enjoy it because people didnt really notice you and cops were acting like friends, you could ask them to let you your bounty if they get it first. It was a nice rp. So today i returned, found some 8k bounty and while i was parking my car at courthouse to take him in i get rammed by Hunter and like 4 guys get out of it "guns blazin" and then some other guys come in with another car and start shooting all of us... It was like 7-8 bounty hunters fighting for the guy i was about to send to jail. I never saw that many BH in same place in my lifetime on altis life so i am really wondering wtf is happening ? Did you all get kicked out of police or what ? It's bounty hunter war on streets
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