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About Patato

AFD Paramedic
APD Lieutenant

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    Script Erroring

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  1. Xian has been denied many times before for medics its not happening This has been gone over extensively
  2. Patato

    Cop Changes

    Pretty simple answers here. 1.) Cops should be able to pit maneuver your vehicle but due to the way Arma works we have to disallow vehicle on vehicle ramming. Thus cops get to deploy spike strips from a vehicle to balance it out. 2.) RP wise its them smashing open your window and dragging you out. If they are close enough to get the option to do it then they can do it. Since ive got no less than 5 DM's on this post i guess i should clarify. We are a Light roleplay server. Yes its a little silly you can pull someone out of a hovering helicopter. But its also a little silly that you would dive out of a hatchback sport going 300km/h to suicide and respawn away from the cops. Its a game...
  3. Sucks its not in there and its in the base game, Bohemia dev domain
  4. Sorry @Yamborghinidoes not accept that as an answer, keep at it
  5. Still getting bell sounds
  6. Spent 30mins looking at it, need to spend more time on it From the wiki Objects of Church kind (simulation = "church";) have church bells sounds that are directly called by the engine and therefore the config for those will be different than the rest of CfgSFX. There are only 2 entries for large bell and small bell: class CfgSFX { class Church { largeBell[] = { "A3\Sounds_F\environment\structures\church\bell_big", 0.891251, 1, 250 }; smallBell[] = { "A3\Sounds_F\environment\structures\church\bell_small", 0.891251, 1, 250 }; }; }; Despite it being in the "Environment" sub folder, Apparently its not considered a environment sound as we already have a option to turn those off? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableEnvironment This is what is used when you use Phone -> settings -> enviro sounds -> Off, so we know the command works it just doesn't include church bells for some reason (Arma 3 bug?) In theory i think we can delete all the churches and replace them on the map with a church with simulation off. I still don't fully understand how/why or when a church bell sound effect is played. (No documentation) But standing in Sofia where we replaced the church with a Tanoa one I have yet to hear a bell. This might just be luck? Edit: @zdeatsays it still plays so the above will not work Other commands ive tried to see the source to no avail getAllEnvSoundControllers getAllEnv3DSoundControllers I have to go for a bit, might invest some more dev time into this later, @Azehwill probably shoot me a DM 5mins after i turn my computer off with a way to do it because he is magic like that. The point of this post is that something that seems as simple as "Adding an option to turn off bell sounds" is frequently not that easy (Nothing is that easy in arma 3). To @Chris Peacockpoint of not being in-depth enough on denys. Often its just a case of us not feeling our limited resources should be spent attempting things that might not even be possible. I don't really want to spend my Saturday figuring out how bell sounds work in Arma 3. If anyone knows the way to do this without modding the server feel free to send a DM. we have a contributor role for you!
  7. Starting with a 10min cooldown, will see how it goes
  8. Patato

    gang factory

    Just going to deny this. come back when your idea is finalized and fully fleshed out. Its impossible for devs to respond to this when you edit the entire idea daily
  9. No, the whole purpose of the faction is to react to what players are doing. Cops should be able to wrap up what their doing and respond to events even if it means being delayed by a few mins. They are able to soft log/redeploy/report for swat. Civ's don't get a 5min warning when cops show up to patrol a field
  10. Mass unban isn't a developer thing. Dirty money isnt returning More drugs isnt happening right now. Everything else was done
  11. Made slightly better next patch
  12. Patato

    Scotch Buff

    We have discussed it and we will not be buffing it at this time
  13. We will add this for next patch @Padrinos
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