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****APD Policy Update 09/08/2024****

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Effective Immediately

House Raiding

Barricaded Suspects

An individual inside a locked house will be considered a barricaded suspect when:

  • He/she is actively wanted or needs to be charged
  • Is wearing/holding illegal item(s)
  • A civilian/officer/medic is held against their will inside the house.
  • A civilian is shooting inside of the home.
  • OR Suspects within the house have been downed or restrained and officers need to remove them from the house.

Barricaded Suspects as described above no longer grants LT's the Ability to Seize the Inventory of Houses during a Raid. (Captain Only)

SGTs Can now Breach the Door of Locked Homes. See Below

The SGT+ must:

  • Have proper initiation before breaching the house.
  • Announced in direct chat that they will be entering the house.
    • If a suspect has engaged in a firefight with APD and the suspect(s) within the house have been downed, they waive their right to surrender themselves to the SGT+. The SGT+ may enter the house, restrain the suspects, and remove them from the premises. No other action may be taken by the SGT+.
      • Sergeant+ are no longer required to have an officer guard every unlocked exterior door of the house to retrieve an already downed suspect.
  • Upon restraining and removing all suspects from the house, the SGT+ must relock any exterior doors they unlocked.

House Raiding Section - Removed references to Actively shooting barricaded suspects.

Changed - Constable/Corporal/ Sergeant home entry to - Constable/Corporal home entry.


Disabled Vehicles

APD Officer discretion to attend.

  • Standard Red Zone rules apply.
  • Must maintain 1 minute all clear after securing the vehicle

Rebel Weapons Cache

APD Officer discretion to attend.

  • Standard Red Zone rules apply.
  • Must maintain 1 minute all clear after securing the vehicle

APD Cache

APD Officer discretion to attend.

  • Standard Red Zone rules apply.
  • Must maintain 1 minute all clear after securing the vehicle

Hotzone Event

  • While the Hotzone Event is active the APD may only enter if in active and visual pursuit
  • Captains are not permitted to raid an active cartel event


Officers may not drop any SWAT gear, any gear dropped must be immediately seized. 

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