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APD Sergeant
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About NewYork718

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  1. The fact that they put mental asylum back on the WEST side of the map is HUGE! Very good update! Im super happy for this. Lets get more cops on to give the rebels an opportunity to try these new federal events!
  2. As someone who never really sees eye to eye with Crimson, I think Junke is one of the least trash staff we have in this community. Id point my fingers at a bunch of others first. My two cents.
  3. Prisoners now pick cotton to pay down their bail WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK!!! +1000
  4. Admins should not be able to pick up a ticket from their affiliated gangs. There's 10 admins, let someone else pick it up. Whether is a comp, player report or what ever. You're affiliated? You can easily favor your boy. Same way as cop we cant process people we're affiliated with, full ticket or jail isn't considered processing.
  5. Im excited for the new patch. Good work guys!
  6. In that "Meeting" before the wipe, This was announced as a change. We were told we will have only 3 houses but house storage will increase. Either increase the virtual, or now a month after wipe, let us purchase 5 houses. The server has been at a very high population, active players bought homes, there isn't many good houses left, no reason to not be able to buy more if storage stays the same. My two cents.
  7. Be there or Be Square! (First after Zd and simperino)
  8. Im at 14% success rate currently. I was spoiled with my old talents etc.
  9. Fix the instant lockpick bug please. Its been very inconvenient for cops. Those abusing it should be punished as well. Besides that, Very nice hotfix!
  10. I always wanted to make a coptage. Good work Kerni.
  11. BRING TOM BACK! All the other hackers got a second chance.. give him the chance
  12. Are we getting an update on when we will lose all the shit we've grinded for, for the last 8-9 years? Even though this isnt going to work, id like to at least spend my money and enjoy what i worked hard for.
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