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AFD Rework

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Lets be honest the AFD has been a retarded faction led by sped Chief's throughout asylums existence and everyone can also recall medics complaining to staff for not adding things and vice versa with the staff deciding how this faction should be run. This faction has always been on the back burner and nobody really cares or likes it etc. My suggestion is to revert Medic to what it was in the old days. No whitelist. Also remove all whitelisted members from there positions. I think it should be anyone can play medic but the more hours you play ex 100's the more perks and equipment you get. Meaning you start out like it is EMR-->EMT is like 10 hours of playtime or whatever but now instead of people quitting after or not getting promoted we remove that and now you need 50 hours or 100 to get Adv EMT and then 50 more for paramedic and 100 for assistant chief and more for chief. Just the in game items no forums shit or TS perms. 

TLDR Remove all AFD Members, make the faction open to everyone and create a system when the more you play the higher rank and vehicles and equipment in game. No more forum perms or TS powers just play medic. 

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-1 if they ever do that I am done with Asylum. Spent too much time on the server and loving the AFD to watch it turn to something as horrid as that. All the AFD wants is to be pulled into the fun and not pushed aside. Its a combat based server that at one point was more geared for light/med RP. Now that is is almost 100% combat; no one has interest in a faction that has no real combat involvement. As it stands the AFD is the PVE faction for a PVP server. Giving the AFD some kind of role that is classed as a "combat medic" would perhaps itch that need for combat. However, the role would involve giving weapons to the user. The AFD is used to getting shutdown at every turn. Along with being "hated" by the community. We can't just give up, we will always push for what we feel is best for the faction, players, and server. If the owners ever did as you recommended it would make many long standing members leave the server for good. Not something the server could handle at this time, if ever.         

Edited by Gamer4LifeHQ
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