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I have a suggestion for bounty hunter for when you aquire a new bounty you're not allowed to get any of your gang members that you're in a game with. It's really frustrating when you require four bounties and all of them are your gang members and you can't do anything since you can't arrest your own gang members. I think we should remove our own gang members from our available bounties. Another suggestion I have for bounty hunting is when you aquire bounties it shows a red circle around it and if you don't go update the red circle it should automatically update the new bountys location every 30 to 45 minutes



Edited by Retro Swift
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I think it would nice to have the ability to decline a bounty. So if its 4 people in a gang, you really have low chance of getting them, so maybe being able to exchange but maybe where you can only swap targets every so often.

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3 minutes ago, Legendary Cifunds said:

Before in patch 4.0 or 5.0 i dont remember you could cycle bounties but you only had 1

Yes, and it lagged the system so bad because people spam it. 


Idk why you act like you cant/haven't re logged before to cycle bounties. 

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