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Suggesttion for Rebels + Police.

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As BH was just upgraded, and most people have switched from rebel and police roles to play BH (don't say its not true, because its clearly true and noticeable), I feel as we should improve rebels and officers to create a balance once again.

First off, we all know bounty hunters can buy armor level 1 at normal clothing store, which is equal to the armor police officers use (level wise). I feel as officers should be allowed to have a higher level armor to better protect themselves and protect from kidnapping and other attacks. I feel as constables + should be able to use armor rating level 3 (carrier lite) (or at minimum increase to armor level 2) and LTs and undercovers should be able to buy armor 4 or 5. Now this would bring dis-balance to rebels, so I suggest they get helmets, armor level 1 or 2, and that they are able to buy vests level 1 at regular clothing shops just like bounty hunters. 


Now about armored vehicles, I feel there is no need to increase any parties vehicles as they are good as it is, but I do feel as they should make BH's hunters illegal, so if they do want to pull out an armored hunter to take out the bigger and more dangerous bounties they still have to worry about cops stopping them and seizing their hunters. I feel this way because lets be honest, you never see civilians with police armored (military) vehicles around tows, and if you did it would probably scare the shit out of people which is not what bounty hunters are there for.


And if you guys think improving the other parties is not the right thing to do, why not just downgrade bounty hunters again so we all are happy once again?!? :D


And last of all, they better give police this new clothing once apex is fully out!!!!!!!! Gendarmerie.jpg

and this helmet would be cool to have as wellstealth_combat_helmet_CTRG_tropic.jpg

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1 hour ago, Jatonex said:

I feel as constables + should be able to use armor rating level 3 (carrier lite) (or at minimum increase to armor level 2) and LTs and undercovers should be able to buy armor 4 or 5.


No. Locked.

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