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Everything posted by william

  1. Those that were unhappy about time to kill were just bad at the game and had the same advantage. Its drippier by far
  2. as a career cop i love this idea!!!
  3. Not a fan of those scopes/guns being added and I would like to see insurance be added but if your vehicle is chopped it loses its insurance and you dont get it back, due to the fact if you buy an ifrit you can get it half price for the rest of ur life. Rest are good ideas though
  4. william

    Cop Changes

    Spikes are so easy to avoid, just dont drive in a straight line
  5. They are a staple to this server and i will protest against their removal
  6. the bank is the only federal event that is completely miles away from the nearest hq and can maybe squeeze 2 lives in or 3 if i pull up in sport hatchbacks. SGT+ should be pulling mobile HQ's if they have the prestige talents.
  7. william


    us presidential race, its like choosing which piece of carrot you want to eat out of a pile of sick
  8. did you record each pixel individually ?
  9. how am i meant to hit the engine of an ifrit
  10. Best community ive ever been apart of. Top work
  11. still drooling everywhere then i see bud
  12. Dont let tach fool you into thinking you need a brain and basic combat skills, he had neither when he weaselled his way into our gang 🤓
  13. junke more like yapke
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