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FPS dropping when scroll wheeling on vender / vehicles


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It's because we use addAction for all of our options.

You're going to lose at least some FPS every time you scrollwheel on anything. Some circumstances run more checks than others.

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Just now, Gnashes said:

It's because we use addAction for all of our options.

You're going to lose at least some FPS every time you scrollwheel on anything. Some circumstances run more checks than others.

Is that also the same for scroll wheeling on vehicles?

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1 minute ago, Beer30 said:

Is that also the same for scroll wheeling on vehicles?



	File: fn_setupActions.sqf

	Populates player-bound actions.
switch (playerSide) do
	case west:
		//Restrain Action
		life_actions = [player addAction["Restrain",life_fnc_restrain,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",' if (isPlayer cursorTarget) then { ((side cursorTarget != west) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && speed cursorTarget < 1) }; ']];
		//House Registration
		if(life_adminlevel > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#00FF00'>House Registration</t>",{
				if(cursorObject getVariable["house_owner",""] == "") exitWith {hint "This house is currently unowned, or the owner was not online recently."};
				hint parseText format["<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'>House Owner"+"</t></t><br/>%1",cursorObject getVariable "house_owner"];
			,cursorObject,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 20 && cursorObject isKindOf "House" && ([typeOf cursorObject] call life_fnc_housePrice) > -1']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Disarm</t>",life_fnc_disarmAction,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && !(alive cursorTarget) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["disarmed", false]) && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && player distance cursorTarget < 2']);
		//Unrest Action
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Unrestrain",life_fnc_unrestrain,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",' if (!isNull cursorTarget) then { if (isPlayer cursorTarget) then { (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && player distance cursorTarget < 3.5 && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false])) }; }; ']);
		//Ticket Action
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Give Ticket",life_fnc_ticketAction,"",0,false,false,"",'
		if (!isNull cursorTarget) then { if (isPlayer cursorTarget) then { ((side cursorTarget != west) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 3.5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false])) }; }; ']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Issue Parole",life_fnc_paroleAction,"",0,false,false,"",'
		if (!isNull cursorTarget) then { if (isPlayer cursorTarget) then { ((side cursorTarget != west) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 3.5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false])) }; }; ']);
		//Pull out of car
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pull out of vehicle",life_fnc_pulloutAction,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 4 && (count crew cursorTarget) > 0 && (cursorTarget isKindOF "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air") && {alive _x} count crew cursorTarget > 0']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Escort",life_fnc_escortAction,[cursorTarget],0,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget != west) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 3.5 && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && attachedTo cursorTarget != player']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Stop Escorting",life_fnc_stopEscorting,"",0,false,false,"",' !isNull life_escort']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Put in Vehicle",life_fnc_putInCar,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship") && !isNull (player getVariable ["currentlyEscorting",objNull]) && isPlayer (player getVariable ["currentlyEscorting",objNull]) && alive (player getVariable ["currentlyEscorting",objNull])']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Cop Enter as Driver",life_fnc_copEnter,"driver",200,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && ((cursorTarget isKindOf "Car")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "Air")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")) && (locked cursorTarget) != 0 && cursorTarget distance player < 5']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Cop Enter as Passenger",life_fnc_copEnter,"passenger",100,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && ((cursorTarget isKindOf "Car")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "Air")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")) && (locked cursorTarget) != 0 && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && (!(cursorTarget isKindOf "B_Heli_Attack_01_F"))']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Cop Enter as Commander",life_fnc_copEnter,"commander",100,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && ((cursorTarget isKindOf "Car")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "Air")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")) && (locked cursorTarget) != 0 && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && ((cursorTarget isKindOf "B_Heli_Attack_01_F")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "B_Heli_Transport_01_F")||(cursorTarget isKindOf "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F") || cursorTarget isKindOf "I_MRAP_03_F")']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Exit",life_fnc_copEnter,"exit",100,false,false,"",'(vehicle player != player) && (locked(vehicle player)==2)']);

		if("B_UavTerminal" in (assignedItems player)) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0000FF'>Connect to UAV</t>",{createVehicleCrew cursorTarget; player connectTerminalToUAV cursorTarget; [cursorTarget,"ASY_fnc_setIdleTime",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;},false,90,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && (typeOf cursorTarget == "B_UAV_01_F") && (!isUAVConnected cursorTarget)' ]);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Show UAV Feed",{showUAVFeed true},false,90,false,false,"",' !isNull (getConnectedUAV player) && !shownUAVFeed ' ]);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Hide UAV Feed",{showUAVFeed false},false,90,false,false,"",' shownUAVFeed ' ]);
		//Impound Vehicle
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Impound Vehicle",life_fnc_impoundAction,false,90,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship" ) && !(typeOf cursorTarget in ["O_MRAP_02_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"] || (cursorTarget getVariable["illegalVehicle",false]))' ]);
		//Seize Vehicle
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Seize Vehicle</t>",life_fnc_impoundAction,true,0,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship" ) && (typeOf cursorTarget in ["O_MRAP_02_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"] || (cursorTarget getVariable["illegalVehicle",false]))']);

		//Send to jail
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Send to Jail",life_fnc_arrestAction,"",0,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && isPlayer cursorTarget && (side cursorTarget != west) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget < 3.5) && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "police_hq_1") < 30) OR  (player distance (getMarkerPos "police_hq_2") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "police_hq_3") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "police_hq_4") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "police_hq_5") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "jail_release2") < 30)) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) ']);
		//Release Action

		//Search Action
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Search",life_fnc_searchAction,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && (cursorTarget getVariable["restrained",false] || cursorTarget getVariable["isCivRestrained",false]) && (side cursorTarget != west) && player distance cursorTarget < 3.5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable["Escorting",false]) ']);

		//Search Vehicle
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Check Registration",life_fnc_searchVehAction,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",
		' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 5 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Search Trunk",life_fnc_vehInvSearch,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",
		' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Search Storage",life_fnc_vehInvSearch,cursorObject,0,false,false,"",
		' !isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 8 && ((cursorObject getVariable["containerId", -1] > -1) || ((typeOf cursorObject) in ["Land_TentA_F","Land_TentDome_F"])) ']);

		//Pickup Deployed Spike strip
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pack up Spike Strip",life_fnc_packupSpikes,"",0,false,false,"",
		' _spikes = nearestObjects[getPos player,["Land_Razorwire_F"],8] select 0; !isNil "_spikes" && !isNil {(_spikes getVariable "item")}']);

		// Pick up placed object
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pick Up Object",life_fnc_pickupObject,cursorObject,0,false,false,"",
		' !isNull cursorObject && !isNull (cursorObject getVariable["owner", objNull]) && (player distance cursorObject) < 5 ']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Emergency Lights ON",{[vehicle player,"life_fnc_copLights",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;},"",0,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) in ["I_Quadbike_01_F","C_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","C_SUV_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","I_MRAP_03_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F","I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F","O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"]) && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && !(vehicle player getVariable ["lights", false])']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Emergency Lights OFF",{vehicle player setVariable["lights",false,true];},"",0,false,false,"", ' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) in ["I_Quadbike_01_F","C_Offroad_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","I_MRAP_03_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F","I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F","O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"]) && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && (vehicle player getVariable ["lights", false]) ']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Seize Illegal Items",life_fnc_seizePlayerIllegal,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget != west) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && life_coplevel >= 2']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Seize Objects",life_fnc_seizeObjects,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",'((count(nearestObjects [player,["WeaponHolder"],3])>0) || (count(nearestObjects [player,["GroundWeaponHolder"],3])>0) || (count(nearestObjects [player,["WeaponHolderSimulated"],3])>0))']);

		//Cops open locked doors.
		if(life_coplevel >= 5 || life_swatlevel == 3) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Toggle All House Locks</t>",life_fnc_lockHouse,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 20 && [(typeOf cursorTarget)] call life_fnc_housePrice > 0 && (life_coplevel >= 5 || life_swatlevel == 3)']);
		// Apply charge
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#990000'>Charge with Crime</t>",life_fnc_charge,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 5 && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget != west) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && life_coplevel > 1']);

		//Revoke licence
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Revoke Drivers Licence",life_fnc_revokeLicence,"drivers",0,false,false,"",'(isPlayer cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget == civilian) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && speed cursorTarget < 1 && life_coplevel >= 2']);
		//Revoke BH licence
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Revoke Bounty Hunter Licence",life_fnc_revokeLicence,"bounty",0,false,false,"",'(isPlayer cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget == civilian) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && speed cursorTarget < 1 && life_coplevel >= 2']);

		if (str(player) == "Swat_med") then
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Heal",life_fnc_swatHeal,0,0,false,false,"",'(isPlayer cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && (damage cursorTarget) > 0']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Heal Self",life_fnc_swatHeal,1,0,false,false,"",'(damage player) > 0']);

		// Defibrillator
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Use Defibrillator</t>",life_fnc_revivePlayer,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && !(alive cursorTarget) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Revive",false]) && life_inv_defib > 0 && (94 in life_talents) && (player distance cursorTarget) < 3.5']);
		// Splint
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Apply Splint to Self</t>",life_fnc_splint,player,-1,false,false,"",'vehicle player == player && life_brokenLeg && (93 in life_talents) && (life_inv_splint > 0) && (life_inv_splint > 0)']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Apply Splint</t>",life_fnc_splint,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'vehicle player == player && !isNull cursorTarget && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (cursorTarget getVariable ["broken",false]) && (93 in life_talents) && (life_inv_splint > 0)']);

		// Bank
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Unlock Reserve Gate", life_fnc_openGate, "",0,false,false,"",' ((typeOf cursorTarget) == "Land_BarGate_F" && (cursorTarget getVariable ["gate_max", 0]) == 0 && (player distance cursorTarget) < 7 && cursorTarget in life_bank_gates)']);

		// Remote opening of gates (not bank gates)
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Open Police Gate", {_gate = objNull;if(vehicle player == player) then {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 7]) select 0;} else {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 15]) select 0;};if(!isNull _gate && !(_gate in life_bank_gates)) then {_gate animate ["Door_1_rot", 1];};},"",10,false,false,"",'_gate = objNull;if(vehicle player == player) then {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 7]) select 0;} else {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 15]) select 0;};_showCommand = false;
		if(!isNull _gate && !(_gate in life_bank_gates) && _gate animationPhase "Door_1_rot" == 0) then {
				_showCommand = true;

		// Remote closing of gates (not bank gates)
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Close Police Gate", {_gate = objNull;if(vehicle player == player) then {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 7]) select 0;} else {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 15]) select 0;}; if(!isNull _gate && !(_gate in life_bank_gates)) then {_gate animate ["Door_1_rot", 0];};},"",10,false,false,"",'_gate = objNull;
			if(vehicle player == player) then {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 7]) select 0;} else {_gate = (nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarGate_F"], 15]) select 0;};_showCommand = false;
				if(!isNull _gate && !(_gate in life_bank_gates) && _gate animationPhase "Door_1_rot" == 1) then {
					_showCommand = true;

		// Blindfold
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Remove Blindfold",life_fnc_blindfoldRemove,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",' cursorTarget getVariable ["blindfolded",false] && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && speed cursorTarget < 1 ']);

		// Detective
		if(life_coprole in ["detective","all"]) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Show Rank Identity",{ player setVariable["copLevel", life_coplevel, true]; },cursorTarget,-2,false,false,"",' (player getVariable ["copLevel",0]) == 0']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Hide Rank Identity",{ player setVariable["copLevel", nil, true]; },cursorTarget,-2,false,false,"",' (player getVariable ["copLevel",0]) > 0 ']);
		//IR Laser
		if(currentWeapon player == "srifle_DMR_03_F") then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Add IR Laser (Non-Lethal)",life_fnc_nonLethal,"add",0,false,false,"",'"acc_pointer_IR" in (items player) && !("acc_pointer_IR" in (primaryWeaponItems player)) && currentWeapon player == "srifle_DMR_03_F" ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Remove IR Laser (Lethal)",life_fnc_nonLethal,"rem",0,false,false,"",'!("acc_pointer_IR" in (items player)) && ("acc_pointer_IR" in (primaryWeaponItems player)) && currentWeapon player == "srifle_DMR_03_F"']);
		// SWAT
		if (life_activeSWAT) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Terminate SWAT",life_fnc_swatTerminate,"",10,false,false,"",' if (life_activeSWAT) then {(life_roleSWAT == 2)} ']);
		// helicopter EMP drop
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Drop EMP", {_pos = position (vehicle player);_pos set [2, (_pos select 2) - 1.5];_emp = createVehicle ["GrenadeHand_stone", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];[_emp] spawn life_fnc_fireEMP;}, "",0,false,false,"",'if(isNil "life_empLogic") then {life_empLogic = objNull;}; vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter" && life_coplevel >= 5 && isNull life_empLogic']);
		// Bank
		if(player distance (getMarkerPos "life_bank_door") < 30) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Disable Drill", life_fnc_stopBankVault,false,4,true,true,"",' player distance (getMarkerPos "life_bank_door") < 4 && life_bank_drilling ']);

	case independent:
		// Defibrillator
		life_actions = [player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Use Defibrillator</t>",life_fnc_revivePlayer,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && !(alive cursorTarget) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Revive",false]) && life_inv_defib > 0 && (player distance cursorTarget) < 3.5']];
		// Splint
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Apply Splint to Self</t>",life_fnc_splint,player,-1,false,false,"",'life_brokenLeg && (life_inv_splint > 0)']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Apply Splint</t>",life_fnc_splint,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (cursorTarget getVariable ["broken",false]) && (life_inv_splint > 0)']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Emergency Lights ON",{[[vehicle player,0.22],"life_fnc_medicLights",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; vehicle player setVariable["lights",true,true];},"",0,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F" || (typeOf vehicle player) == "C_SUV_01_F") && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && !(vehicle player getVariable "lights")']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Emergency Lights OFF",{vehicle player setVariable["lights",false,true];},"",0,false,false,"", ' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F" || (typeOf vehicle player) == "C_SUV_01_F") && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && (vehicle player getVariable "lights") ']);

	case civilian:
		//Restrain Action
		life_actions = [player addAction["Restrain",life_fnc_restrain,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'(cursorTarget getVariable ["playerSurrender",false] || cursorTarget getVariable "downed") && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && speed cursorTarget < 1 && life_inv_ziptie > 0']];
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Unrestrain",life_fnc_unrestrain,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && player distance cursorTarget < 3.5 && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["isCivRestrained",false]) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) && !(cursorTarget getVariable["downed",false]) && (group player == (cursorTarget getVariable["restrainedBy",grpNull]) || !(currentWeapon player in ["","Binocular"]))']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Apply Blindfold",life_fnc_blindfold,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",' cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false] && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["blindfolded",false]) && life_inv_blindfold > 0 && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && speed cursorTarget < 1 ']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Remove Blindfold",life_fnc_blindfoldRemove,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",' cursorTarget getVariable ["blindfolded",false] && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && speed cursorTarget < 1 ']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Execute!</t>",life_fnc_execute,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && !(alive cursorTarget) && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && !(typeOf cursorTarget in ["Goat_random_F", "Cock_random_F", "Hen_random_F", "Sheep_random_F","Alsatian_Random_F"]) && !(currentWeapon player in life_disallowedThreatWeapons) && player distance cursorTarget < 2 ']);
		//Oil Barrels
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pickup Barrel",life_fnc_pickupOil,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && isNull life_holding_barrel && ((typeOf cursorTarget == "Land_MetalBarrel_F" && isNull (attachedTo cursorTarget)) || (typeOf cursorTarget in IL_Supported_Vehicles_BOAT && !isNull (cursorTarget getVariable ["oil_barrel", objNull]) && locked cursorTarget < 2)) && cursorTarget distance player < 4']);
		if(!isNull life_holding_barrel) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Drop Barrel",life_fnc_dropOil,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",' !isNull life_holding_barrel && speed player < 2 ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Place Barrel in Boat",life_fnc_placeOil,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && !isNull life_holding_barrel && (typeOf cursorTarget) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_BOAT && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && speed cursorTarget < 4']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Escort",life_fnc_escortAction,[cursorTarget],-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && !(currentWeapon player in life_disallowedThreatWeapons) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 3.5 && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false])']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Stop Escorting",life_fnc_stopEscorting,"",-1,false,true,"",'!isNull (player getVariable["currentlyEscorting",objNull]) && ((player getVariable["currentlyEscorting",objNull]) getVariable ["Escorting",false])']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Put in Vehicle",life_fnc_putInCar,_unit,-1,false,true,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship") && !isNull (player getVariable ["currentlyEscorting",objNull]) && isPlayer (player getVariable ["currentlyEscorting",objNull]) && alive (player getVariable ["currentlyEscorting",objNull])']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pull out of vehicle",life_fnc_pulloutAction,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 4 && !(currentWeapon player in life_disallowedThreatWeapons) && (side player == civilian) && (locked cursorTarget == 0) && (count crew cursorTarget) > 0 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship") && {alive _x} count crew cursorTarget > 0']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pick Vehicle Lock",life_fnc_lockpick,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 4 && life_inv_lockpick > 0 && (locked cursorTarget != 0) && (count crew cursorTarget) == 0 && speed cursorTarget < 2 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship") && !(cursorTarget in life_vehicles)']);

		if(player distance (getMarkerPos "hunting") < 700) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Track Animals",life_fnc_trackAnimal,"",-1,false,false,"",'player distance (getMarkerPos "hunting") < 600']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Skin Animal",life_fnc_skinAnimal,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 4 && life_inv_skinningknife > 0 && (typeOf cursorTarget) in ["Cock_random_F","Goat_random_F","Hen_random_F","Sheep_random_F","Alsatian_Random_F","Rabbit_F","Snake_random_F"] && !alive cursorTarget ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Hide Animal Corpse",{deleteVehicle cursorTarget},cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 4 &&(typeOf cursorTarget) in ["Cock_random_F","Goat_random_F","Hen_random_F","Sheep_random_F","Alsatian_Random_F","Rabbit_F","Snake_random_F"] && !alive cursorTarget ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Cook Raw Meat",life_fnc_cookMeat,cursorObject,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 4 && (typeOf cursorObject) == "Campfire_burning_F" && (life_inv_chicken > 0 || life_inv_dog > 0 || life_inv_sheep > 0 || life_inv_goat > 0) ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Clean Up Campfire",{deleteVehicle cursorObject},cursorObject,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 4 && (typeOf cursorObject) == "Campfire_burning_F" ']);

		// Defibrillator
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Use Defibrillator</t>",life_fnc_revivePlayer,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && !(alive cursorTarget) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Revive",false]) && life_inv_defib > 0 && (14 in life_talents) && (player distance cursorTarget) < 3.5']);
		// Splint
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Apply Splint to Self</t>",life_fnc_splint,player,-1,false,true,"",'life_brokenLeg && (13 in life_talents) && (life_inv_splint > 0)']);
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Apply Splint</t>",life_fnc_splint,cursorTarget,-1,false,true,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (cursorTarget getVariable ["broken",false]) && (13 in life_talents) && (life_inv_splint > 0)']);

		//Drop fishing net
		if(surfaceisWater (getPos vehicle player)) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Drop Fishing Net",life_fnc_dropFishingNet,"",0,false,true,"",'
			(surfaceisWater (getPos vehicle player)) && (vehicle player isKindOf "Ship") && life_carryWeight < life_maxWeight && speed (vehicle player) < 2 && speed (vehicle player) > -1 && !life_net_dropped ']);
			//Catch fish
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Catch Fish",life_fnc_catchFish,"",0,false,false,"",'
			(surfaceIsWater (getPos player)) && count(nearestObjects[getPos player, ["Fish_Base_F"], 3]) > 0 ']);
		//Gather Heroin
		if(player distance (getMarkerPos "heroin_1") < 175) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Heroin",life_fnc_gatherAction,["heroinu",1],3,false,true,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && (player distance (getMarkerPos "heroin_1") < 150) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["heroinu"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);
		//Pick Apples, fields 1 and 2
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["apple_%1",_x] < 75} count [1,2,3,4,5] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pick Apples",life_fnc_gatherAction,["apple",3],0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && {player distance getMarkerPos format["apple_%1",_x] < 50} count [1,2,3,4,5] > 0 && (vehicle player == player) ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pick Peaches",life_fnc_gatherAction,["peach",3],0,false,false,"",'
		//!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "peaches_1") < 50) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "peaches_2") < 50)) && (vehicle player == player) ']);
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["peaches_%1",_x] < 75} count [1,2,3,4] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pick Peaches",life_fnc_gatherAction,["peach",3],0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && {player distance getMarkerPos format["peaches_%1",_x] < 50} count [1,2,3,4] > 0 && (vehicle player == player) ']);
		//Pick Apples, fields 3 and 4
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pick Apples",life_fnc_gatherAction,["apple",3],0,false,false,"",'
		//!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "apple_3") < 50) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "apple_4") < 50)) && (vehicle player == player) ']);

		//Grab turtle
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["turtle_%1",_x] < 250} count [1,2,3] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Grab Turtle",life_fnc_catchTurtle,"",0,false,false,"",'
			((player distance (getMarkerPos "turtle_1") < 200) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "turtle_2") < 200) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "turtle_3") < 200)) && {count (nearestObjects[getPos player,["Turtle_F"],4])  > 0} && {(life_carryWeight + (["turtle"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight}']);
		//Gather Cannabis
		if(player distance (getMarkerPos "weed_1") < 75) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Cannabis",life_fnc_gatherAction,["cannabis",1],3,false,true,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && (player distance (getMarkerPos "weed_1") < 60) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["cannabis"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);
		//Gathering Meth
		if(player distance (getMarkerPos "meth_1") < 175) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Ephedra",life_fnc_gatherAction,["ephedrau",1],0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && (player distance (getMarkerPos "meth_1") < 150) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["ephedrau"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);

		//Suicide alahsnackbar
		if(vest player == "V_HarnessOGL_brn") then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Activate Suicide Vest",life_fnc_suicideBomb,"",0,false,false,"",' vest player == "V_HarnessOGL_brn" && alive player && playerSide == civilian && !life_istazed && !(player getVariable ["restrained",false]) && !(player getVariable ["Escorting",false]) && !(player getVariable ["transporting",false])']);
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["mine_%1",_x] < 125} count [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Mine Quarry",life_fnc_mining,1,0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && ({player distance getMarkerPos format["mine_%1",_x] < 100} count [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] > 0) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["diamond"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);
		/*life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Mine Low Yield",life_fnc_mining,0.7,0,false,false,"",'
		!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "mine_2") < 100)) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["diamond"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Mine High Yield",life_fnc_mining,2,0,false,false,"",'
		!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "mine_6") < 100)) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["diamond"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);*/

		//Gathers Salt
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["salt_%1",_x] < 175} count [1,2,3,4] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Salt",life_fnc_gatherAction,["salt",1],0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_1") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_2") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_3") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_4") < 150)) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["salt"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);
		//Gathers Phos
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["rock_%1",_x] < 175} count [1,2,3,4] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Phosphorus",life_fnc_gatherAction,["phos",1],0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_1") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_2") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_3") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_4") < 150)) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["phos"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);
		if(life_adminlevel > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Check Registration",life_fnc_searchVehAction,cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",
			' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 5 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")']);
		//Gather Oil
		/* life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Oil",life_fnc_gatherAction,["oilu",1],0,false,false,"",'
		!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_1") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_2") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_3") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_4") < 150)) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_inv_pickaxe > 0) && (life_carryWeight + (["oil"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']); */

		//Gather Hydrogen Sulfate
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["oil_%1",_x] < 200} count [1,2,3,4] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Gather Hydrogen Sulfate",life_fnc_gatherAction,["hydro",1],0,false,false,"",'
			!life_action_in_use && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_1") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_2") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_3") < 150) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_4") < 150)) && (vehicle player == player) && (life_carryWeight + (["hydro"] call life_fnc_itemWeight)) <= life_maxWeight ']);
		//Search Wreck
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Search Wreck",life_fnc_searchWreck,"",0,false,false,"",'
		//!life_action_in_use && player distance Land_UWreck_FishingBoat_F < 15 && (vehicle player == player) ']);

		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#00FF00'>House Menu</t>",life_fnc_houseMenu,cursorObject,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 20 && cursorObject isKindOf "House" && ([typeOf cursorObject] call life_fnc_housePrice) > -1 && !(cursorObject getVariable ["noSale", false]) && {!(([cursorObject] call life_fnc_getBuildID) in life_public_houses)}']);
		if(count life_houses > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Toggle All House Locks</t>",life_fnc_lockHouse,cursorObject,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 20 && cursorObject isKindOf "House" && ((cursorObject in life_houses) || ([cursorObject] call life_fnc_getBuildID) == life_gang)']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Vehicle Garage",life_fnc_vehicleGarage,"car",0,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 20 && cursorObject isKindOf "House" && (typeOf cursorObject in ["Land_i_Garage_V1_F","Land_i_Garage_V2_F","Land_i_Garage_V1_dam_F","Land_i_Shed_Ind_F","Land_HouseA","Land_HouseB","Land_HouseB1","Land_HouseC_R","Land_HouseA1_L","Land_HouseB1_L","Land_HouseC1_L","Land_HouseA1","Land_HouseDoubleAL","Land_HouseDoubleAL2"]) && ((cursorObject in life_houses) || ((cursorObject getVariable["life_locked", 1]) == 0)) ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Store Vehicle in Garage",life_fnc_storeVehicleGarage,"""",0,false,false,"""",' !life_garage_store && !isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 20 && cursorObject isKindOf "House" && (typeOf cursorObject in ["Land_i_Garage_V1_F","Land_i_Garage_V2_F","Land_i_Garage_V1_dam_F","Land_i_Shed_Ind_F","Land_HouseA","Land_HouseB","Land_HouseB1","Land_HouseC_R","Land_HouseA1_L","Land_HouseB1_L","Land_HouseC1_L","Land_HouseA1","Land_HouseDoubleAL","Land_HouseDoubleAL2"]) && ((cursorObject in life_houses) || (cursorObject getVariable["life_locked", 1]) == 0) ']);
		// Tent
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Item Storage",life_fnc_openInventory,cursorObject,0,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorObject && (player distance cursorObject) < 9 && ((typeOf cursorObject) in ["Land_TentA_F","Land_TentDome_F"]) ']);

		//Rob vehicle for events
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Rob Vehicle</t>",life_fnc_robVehicle,"",-1,false,false,"",'alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 10 && cursorTarget getVariable["canRob",false]']);

		//bounty hunter
		if(license_civ_bounty) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Send to Jail",life_fnc_arrestAction,"",0,false,false,"",
			'!isNull cursorTarget && isPlayer cursorTarget && license_civ_bounty && (side cursorTarget == civilian) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["restrained",false]) && (cursorTarget getVariable ["isCivRestrained",false]) && alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget < 3.5) && ((player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_1") < 30) OR  (player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_2") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_3") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_4") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_6") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_7") < 30) OR (player distance (getMarkerPos "courthouse_5") < 30) OR  (player distance (getMarkerPos "jail_release2") < 30) || {player distance getMarkerPos _x < 15} count ["marker_605","marker_606","marker_607","marker_608"] > 0) && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) ']);
		if(player getVariable ["activeBounty", false] || count life_bounty_contract > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#FF00FF'>Hide Badge</t>", { player setVariable ["activeBounty", nil, true]; }, 3, 0, false, true, "", ' (player getVariable ["activeBounty", false]) ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#FF00FF'>Show Badge</t>", { player setVariable ["activeBounty", true, true]; }, 3, 0, false, true, "", ' !(player getVariable ["activeBounty", false]) && count life_bounty_contract > 0 ']);
		//Rob person
		life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Rob Person",life_fnc_robAction,"",0,false,false,"",'
		!isNull cursorTarget && ((cursorTarget getVariable ["playerSurrender",false] && !(currentWeapon player in life_disallowedThreatWeapons)) || (cursorTarget getVariable["restrained",false] && 16 in life_honortalents)) && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5 && !(cursorTarget getVariable ["Escorting",false]) && speed cursorTarget < 1 ']);

		// Bank
		if(player distance getMarkerPos "fed_reserve" < 400) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Hack Vault Doors", life_fnc_openVault, "",0,false,false,"",' (typeOf cursorTarget) in ["Land_Dome_Big_F","Land_Dome_Small_F"] && (player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_1") < 6 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_2") < 6 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_3") < 6 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_4") < 6 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_5") < 6 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_6") < 6 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_1") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_2") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_3") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_4") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_5") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_6") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_7") < 1 || player distance (getMarkerPos "vault_hack_8") < 1) && life_inv_drill > 0 ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Crack Safe", life_fnc_openSafe,false,0,false,false,"",' _inRange = false; { if ((player distance _x) < 1) then { _inRange = true; }; } forEach life_bank_safe_pos; ((typeOf cursorTarget) in ["Land_Research_house_V1_F","Land_Research_HQ_F"] && _inRange && life_inv_drill > 0) ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Plant Demo Charge", life_fnc_openSafe,true,0,false,false,"",' _inRange = false; { if ((player distance _x) < 1) then { _inRange = true; }; } forEach life_bank_safe_pos; ((typeOf cursorTarget) in ["Land_Research_house_V1_F","Land_Research_HQ_F"] && _inRange && life_inv_demoCharge > 0 && (116 in life_talents)) ']);
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Bolt Cut Gate", life_fnc_openGate, "",0,false,false,"",' ((typeOf cursorTarget) == "Land_BarGate_F" && (cursorTarget getVariable ["gate_max", 0]) == 0 && (player distance cursorTarget) < 7 && life_inv_boltCutter > 0) ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Begin Drilling Vault", life_fnc_openBankVault,false,4,true,true,"",' player distance (getMarkerPos "life_bank_door") < 2 && life_inv_drill > 0 && !life_bank_drilling && life_bank_last < serverTime - 1200 ']);
		if({player distance getMarkerPos format["race_%1_start",_x] < 25} count [1,2,3,4,5] > 0) then {
			life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Join Race", life_fnc_joinRace,1,0,false,false,"",' {player distance getMarkerPos format["race_%1_start",_x] < 15} count [1,2,3,4,5] > 0 && vehicle player != player && driver (vehicle player) == player ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Join Race Two", life_fnc_joinRace,2,0,false,false,"",' (player distance (getMarkerPos "race_2_start")) < 15 && vehicle player != player && driver (vehicle player) == player ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Join Race Three", life_fnc_joinRace,3,0,false,false,"",' (player distance (getMarkerPos "race_3_start")) < 15 && vehicle player != player && driver (vehicle player) == player ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Join Race Four", life_fnc_joinRace,4,0,false,false,"",' (player distance (getMarkerPos "race_4_start")) < 15 && vehicle player != player && driver (vehicle player) == player ']);
		//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Join Race Five", life_fnc_joinRace,5,0,false,false,"",' (player distance (getMarkerPos "race_5_start")) < 15 && vehicle player != player && driver (vehicle player) == player ']);
//Vehicle Towing
//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0000FF'>Tow Vehicle</t>",life_fnc_towVehicle,"",999,false,false,"",'(vehicle player != player) && (count (nearestObjects [vehicle player, ["Car","Ship"], 8]) > 0)']);

//Pull out dead
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pull Out Unconscious",{
	_vehicle = cursorTarget;
	_vehicle lock 0;
	player moveInDriver _vehicle;
		moveOut player;
		player moveInCargo [_vehicle,_vehicle getCargoIndex _x];
	} forEach (crew cursorTarget - [driver cursorTarget]);
	_vehicle spawn {
		sleep 1.5;
		player action["Eject",vehicle player];
		moveOut player;
		_this lock 2;
},cursorTarget,0,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 4 && (count crew cursorTarget) > 0 && {!alive _x} count crew cursorTarget > 0 && (cursorTarget isKindOF "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air") && if(playerSide == civilian) then {15 in life_talents} else {true}']);
//Car controls
life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#BBBB00'>Put Seatbelt On</t>", {life_seatbelt=true; playSound "seatbelt"}, "", 0, false, true, "", 'vehicle player isKindOf "Car" && !life_seatbelt']);
//life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#BBBB00'>Take Seatbelt Off</t>", {life_seatbelt=false}, "", 3, false, true, "", 'vehicle player isKindOf "Car" && life_seatbelt']);
if(vehicle player != player) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#DDDD00'>Turn Signal OFF</t>",{[[vehicle player,0],"life_fnc_turnSignal",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;(vehicle player) setVariable ["signal",0,true]},"",2,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_transport_F"]) && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && ((vehicle player getVariable ["signal", 0]) != 0)']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#DDDD00'>Turn Signal LEFT</t>",{[[vehicle player,1],"life_fnc_turnSignal",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;(vehicle player) setVariable ["signal",1,true]},"",2,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_transport_F"]) && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && ((vehicle player getVariable ["signal", 0]) != 1)']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#DDDD00'>Turn Signal RIGHT</t>",{[[vehicle player,2],"life_fnc_turnSignal",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;(vehicle player) setVariable ["signal",2,true]},"",2,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && ((typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_transport_F"]) && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && ((vehicle player getVariable ["signal", 0]) != 2)']);
//Unflip action
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Unflip Vehicle",life_fnc_flip,"",-1,false,false,"",'(cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air") && (vehicle player == player) && (player distance cursorTarget < 8) && (local cursorTarget || cursorTarget in life_vehicles || vectorUp cursorTarget select 2 < 0.6 || vectorUp cursorTarget select 1 > 0.2 || vectorUp cursorTarget select 1 < -0.2) && (speed cursorTarget < 1)']);

// helicopter eject action (engine still running)
if(vehicle player isKindOf "Air" && driver vehicle player == player) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["Eject", {_veh = vehicle player; if(_veh != player) then {_engineOn = isEngineOn _veh; player action ["GetOut", _veh]; sleep 1; [[_veh, "engineOn", _engineOn], "life_fnc_multiargMP", _veh] spawn life_fnc_MP;};}, "", 6, false, false, "", 'vehicle player isKindOf "Air" && driver vehicle player == player;']);
//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Repair Vehicle ($50)",life_fnc_pumpRepair,"",999,false,false,"",
//' vehicle player != player && (typeOf cursorObject == "Land_fs_feed_F") && (vehicle player) distance cursorObject < 6 ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Place Spike Strip",{if(!isNull life_spikestrip) then {detach life_spikeStrip; life_spikeStrip = ObjNull;};},"",999,false,false,"",'!isNull life_spikestrip']);
//Use Chemlights in hand
/*life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Chemlight (RED) in Hand",life_fnc_chemlightUse,"red",-1,false,false,"",
' isNil "life_chemlight" && "Chemlight_red" in (magazines player) && vehicle player == player ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Chemlight (YELLOW) in Hand",life_fnc_chemlightUse,"yellow",-1,false,false,"",
' isNil "life_chemlight" && "Chemlight_yellow" in (magazines player) && vehicle player == player ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Chemlight (GREEN) in Hand",life_fnc_chemlightUse,"green",-1,false,false,"",
' isNil "life_chemlight" && "Chemlight_green" in (magazines player) && vehicle player == player ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Chemlight (BLUE) in Hand",life_fnc_chemlightUse,"blue",-1,false,false,"",
' isNil "life_chemlight" && "Chemlight_blue" in (magazines player) && vehicle player == player ']);
//Drop Chemlight
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Drop Chemlight",{if(isNil "life_chemlight") exitWith {};if(isNull life_chemlight) exitWith {};detach life_chemlight; life_chemlight = nil;},"",-1,false,false,"",'!isNil "life_chemlight" && !isNull life_chemlight && vehicle player == player ']);
//Custom Heal*/
//life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Heal Self</t>",life_fnc_heal,"",99,false,false,"",' vehicle player == player && (damage player) > 0.25 && ("FirstAidKit" in (items player)) && (currentWeapon player == "")']);
//Custom Repair
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Repair Vehicle</t>",life_fnc_repairTruck,"",0,false,false,"", ' vehicle player == player && !isNull cursorTarget && ((cursorTarget isKindOf "Car") OR (cursorTarget isKindOf "Air") OR (cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship")) && (player distance cursorTarget < 4.5) ']);
//Service Truck Stuff
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0000FF'>Service Nearest Car</t>",life_fnc_serviceTruck,"",99,false,false,"",' (typeOf (vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F") && ((vehicle player animationPhase "HideServices") == 0) && ((vehicle player) in life_vehicles) && (speed vehicle player) < 1 ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Push",life_fnc_pushVehicle,"",0,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && player distance cursorTarget < 4.5 && cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship"']);

//Pickup Item
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Pickup Item(s)",{createDialog "life_pickup_items"},"",0,false,false,"",
' !isNull cursorObject && count (cursorObject getVariable ["item",[]]) > 0 && player distance cursorObject < 5 ']);

life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#00FF00'>Activate Nitro</t>",life_fnc_activateNitro,false,2,false,false,"",
' (vehicle player != player) && (driver vehicle player == player) && (((vehicle player) getVariable["nitro", 0]) > 0) ']);

life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Use Pain Killers</t>",life_fnc_painkillers,player,-1,false,false,"",'(life_pain > 0) && (life_inv_painkillers > 0)']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Give Pain Killers</t>",life_fnc_painkillers,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && (isPlayer cursorTarget) && (alive cursorTarget) && ((cursorTarget getVariable ["pain",0]) > 0) && ((life_inv_painkillers > 0) || (26 in life_coptalents))']);

life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Blood Transfusion Self</t>",life_fnc_bloodbag,player,-1,false,false,"",'vehicle player == player && ((playerSide == independent && damage player > 0) || ((10 in life_talents || 90 in life_talents) && damage player > 0.2) || ((11 in life_talents || 91 in life_talents) && damage player > 0.1) || ((12 in life_talents || 92 in life_talents) && damage player > 0)) && (life_inv_bloodbag > 0)']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Give Blood Transfusion</t>",life_fnc_bloodbag,cursorTarget,-1,false,false,"",'vehicle player == player && !isNull cursorTarget && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && ((playerSide == independent && damage cursorTarget > 0) || ((10 in life_talents || 90 in life_talents) && damage cursorTarget > 0.2) || ((11 in life_talents || 91 in life_talents) && damage cursorTarget > 0.1) || ((12 in life_talents || 92 in life_talents) && damage cursorTarget > 0)) && (life_inv_bloodbag > 0)']);
if(player getVariable ["blindfolded",false]) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Remove Own Blindfold",life_fnc_blindfoldRemove,player,-1,false,false,"",' player getVariable ["blindfolded",false] && !(player getVariable ["restrained",false]) && alive player ']);
if(("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player))) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#AAAAAA'>Turn Radio On</t>",life_fnc_useRadio,0,-1,false,false,"",' (life_radio_chan < 0) && ("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player)) ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#AAAAAA'>Turn Radio Off</t>",life_fnc_useRadio,-1,-1,false,false,"",' (life_radio_chan > -1) && ("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player)) ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#AAAAAA'>Tune Radio Chan 1</t>",life_fnc_useRadio,0,-1,false,false,"",' (life_radio_chan > -1) && (life_radio_chan != 0) && ("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player)) ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#AAAAAA'>Tune Radio Chan 2</t>",life_fnc_useRadio,1,-1,false,false,"",' (life_radio_chan > -1) && (life_radio_chan != 1) && ("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player)) ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#AAAAAA'>Tune Radio Chan 3</t>",life_fnc_useRadio,2,-1,false,false,"",' (life_radio_chan > -1) && (life_radio_chan != 2) && ("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player)) ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#AAAAAA'>Tune Radio Chan 4</t>",life_fnc_useRadio,3,-1,false,false,"",' (life_radio_chan > -1) && (life_radio_chan != 3) && ("ItemRadio" in (assignedItems player)) ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Increase Rope Length",life_fnc_ropeLength,true,-1,true,true,"",' (vehicle player) != player && driver (vehicle player) == player && count (ropes (vehicle player)) > 0 && ropeUnwound ((ropes (vehicle player)) select 0)']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Decrease Rope Length",life_fnc_ropeLength,false,-1,true,true,"",' (vehicle player) != player && driver (vehicle player) == player && count (ropes (vehicle player)) > 0 && ropeUnwound ((ropes (vehicle player)) select 0)']);

life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Attach Tow Rope From",{ life_target_towRope = cursorTarget; [] spawn { sleep 8; if (!isNull life_target_towRope) then { life_target_towRope = objNull } } },"",-1,true,true,"",' (cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Car") && (vehicle player) == player && life_inv_towRope > 0 && locked cursorTarget < 2 && isNull life_target_towRope ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Connect Tow Rope To",life_fnc_ropeTow,cursorTarget,-1,true,true,"",' !isNull life_target_towRope && cursorTarget != life_target_towRope && (player distance life_target_towRope) < 15 && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Car") && (vehicle player) == player && life_inv_towRope > 0 ']);
if(life_is_arrested) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FF0000'>Shank!</t>",life_fnc_useShank,3,-1,false,false,"",' !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && life_inv_shank > 0  && vehicle player == player && player distance cursorTarget < 2 ']);
if({player distance getMarkerPos format["bounty_%1",_x] < (life_track_radius + 100)} count [0,1,2,3] > 0) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Track Fugitive 1</t>", life_fnc_trackBounty, 0, 0, false, true, "", ' player distance (getMarkerPos "bounty_0") < life_track_radius ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Track Fugitive 2</t>", life_fnc_trackBounty, 1, 0, false, true, "", ' player distance (getMarkerPos "bounty_1") < life_track_radius ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Track Fugitive 3</t>", life_fnc_trackBounty, 2, 0, false, true, "", ' player distance (getMarkerPos "bounty_2") < life_track_radius ']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Track Fugitive 4</t>", life_fnc_trackBounty, 3, 0, false, true, "", ' player distance (getMarkerPos "bounty_3") < life_track_radius ']);
// Environmental
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Sit Down</t>",{[cursorObject,player] execVM "Chair\sitdown.sqf"},true,1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorObject < 3 && {([str cursorObject,"bench"] call KRON_StrInStr || [str cursorObject,"chair"] call KRON_StrInStr)} ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Pick Barley</t>",life_fnc_gatherObject,["barley",1,"neriumo2d"],1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorObject < 3 && {[str cursorObject,"neriumo2d"] call KRON_StrInStr} ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Pick Berries</t>",life_fnc_gatherObject,["berry",3,"neriumo"],1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorObject < 3 && {[str cursorObject,"neriumo"] call KRON_StrInStr} ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Pick Grapes</t>",life_fnc_gatherObject,["grapes",1,"dd_bush01"],1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorObject < 5 && {[str cursorObject,"dd_bush01"] call KRON_StrInStr} ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Pick Rye</t>",life_fnc_gatherObject,["rye",1,"arundod2s"],1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorObject < 5 && {[str cursorObject,"arundod2s"] call KRON_StrInStr} ']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Pick Corn</t>",life_fnc_gatherObject,["corn",1,"arundod3s"],1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorObject < 5 && {[str cursorObject,"arundod3s"] call KRON_StrInStr} ']);
if(surfaceIsWater position player) then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Collect Water</t>",life_fnc_gatherAction,["saltwater",2],1,false,true,"""",'surfaceIsWater position player && vehicle player == player']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#ADFF2F'>ATM</t>",life_fnc_atmMenu,false,1,true,true,"""",'((worldName == "Australia" && (typeOf cursorObject) in ["Land_CommonwealthBank","Land_Centrelink"] && player distance (cursorObject modelToWorld [5.62,-11.11,1]) < 1.5) || (player distance cursorObject < 3 && {typeOf cursorObject in ["Land_Mattaust_ATM","Land_atm"] || [str cursorObject,"atm_0"] call KRON_StrInStr}))']);
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#FFFF2F'>Gang Account</t>",life_fnc_atmMenu,true,1,true,true,"""",'(life_gang != "0") && ((worldName == "Australia" && (typeOf cursorObject) in ["Land_CommonwealthBank","Land_Centrelink"] && player distance (cursorObject modelToWorld [5.62,-11.11,1]) < 1.5) || (player distance cursorObject < 3 && {typeOf cursorObject in ["Land_Mattaust_ATM","Land_atm"] || [str cursorObject,"atm_0"] call KRON_StrInStr}))']);

// Australia
if(worldName == "Australia") then {life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#0099FF'>Upright Bicycle</t>",{cursorTarget setVectorUp [0,0,1]},false,1,true,true,"""",'player distance cursorTarget < 3 && cursorTarget isKindOf "Bicycle" && (vectorUp cursorTarget) select 2 < 0.5 '])};

// Place Object
life_actions pushBack (player addAction["Place Object",life_fnc_placedObject,player,0,false,false,"",'!isNull life_placing']);

/*if(vehicle player isKindOf "Air") then {
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>Toss Ropes</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond and player == driver vehicle player']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>Cut Ropes</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player == driver vehicle player']);
	life_actions pushBack (player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>Fast Rope</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player and !(player getVariable["restrained",false]) && !(player in[vehicle player turretUnit [0]])']);


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17 minutes ago, Axe said:

This was determined a log time ago that AddActions cause FPS drops

While it seems like a good idea to replace them. It would just be a pain in the ass.

People are too used to scrollwheeling to do things.

It would also required several files to be modified.

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