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Credit/Debit Card Skimming


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I found out about this today when my aunt called and mentioned that she had her card information stolen at a gas pump.

Apparently, this is becoming fairly popular in the US. There's a few different ways it can be done, but it seems that the most popular ways are to attach cameras to ATM/gas pumps so that the camera sees the numbers on the card and your security pin or to attach a device inside of the card reader that writes your information down and distributes it to whoever installed the device. The second method was what caught my aunt's information; she was notified by her identity theft security program after the perpetrator attempted to buy something in Florida. At the time, they didn't know it was a skimming incident but after investigating the person (3 months later), it was found that he used this technique to obtain hundreds of peoples' card details.

The only real way to protect yourself from this is to go inside and pay at the register for gas or with the teller if you're making a bank transaction. 

It seems that the devices needed are very accessible if you're inclined to that perspective. A lot of companys make card readers for small business owners and you can also just uninstall them from machines. HD micro security cameras are readily available as well. It'd be very easy to get started with this but it may not be so easy to get away with considering the popularity of identity protection services. 

Felt I could mention it.

Gas station skimmer theft rising (creditcards.com)How to spot and avoid gas station credit card skimmers (mynews13.com) - Gas Pumps targeted in latest card skimming scam (scambusters.com) - How to Avoid Credit Card Skimmers (lifewire.com) - Use of Credit Card 'Skimmers' at Gas Stations, ATMs Is Exploding (nbcnews.com)

I'm still not paranoid enough to pay inside and interact with humans, though ;)

Edited by varex
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Oh wow this is very good to know . soon i will be as rich as the Rothschild family once i can figure out how to pull off this trick i was wondering if you could go more into detail about this as i'm looking to perform this trick at my local gas station. thanks and hope to hear from you soon - El chapo


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I ALWAYS pull on the card readers at ATMs/Gas pumps, or basically anything that is unmanned.

I also hold my other had over the keypad when I type my pin. 

Takes me 5 seconds to prevent a fuckload of hassle.

Plus it's hilarious to see the looks on people's faces when they see you pulling on the card reader at ATMs :frog: 

Edited by Axe
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