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    Bitchs and the Devils Lettuce

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  1. Its a distance and a risk for most people sense its a red zone so you always have people camping there the bounty hunter shop is in every city and is not a red zone
  2. I feel bounty hunter shops need to be moved farther away from the city or rebel out posts need to be brought closer. Because what ends up hapening is some jack ass decieds to mug pepole with assult rifles that shoot taser bullets so they can end up sitting on top of a roof all day while they down pepole for hours on end. Or they down you then zip you then drown you for no other reason than to fuck with you. But the pepole who are rebles can only use some sihtty ass pistols or pdws to deffend our selves from there onslaungt.
  3. Arma 3 hours (screenshot): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048009254 Location/Timezone: EST Past/Current Gangs: None Bank Balance (we won't judge you just a general statement): 10k Do you have a working mic? Yes Why do you want to join Invictus? Well to be quite frank when I'm looking for a gang im looking for a gang with strength. Now I was in prison when i met Kodak who then told me he was serving forty five minutes for a bounty of 100k. I thought to my self holy shit what does a guy have to do to get a 100k bounty. What can you bring to Invictus? I can bring my good stories of my insane life, My Driving Skills, Loyalty, and my pride in my work. Are there any current members who can vouch for you? Kodak
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