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Frank Jones

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  1. Hello all, I am Frank Jones I have played much of my ARMA 3 time on this server and he servers within this community you might know me by other names but lets save that for later. I have had most of my memories on the deleted server of Tanoa lif between my former gang TKZ and the struggle with the mongols always guarding the area in the cocaine fields. It was one of the best places I've ever been and have met most of my friends that I am still close to to this day. I took a week break from ARMA and played a little bit of other games. Then to my surprise Tanoa was gone and had been replaced with strife. Ever since then I've tried to adapt with Altis life but with no success I then turned to a new type of life server and its the one i'm currently with today. That would be Orion Malden Life and I have found a place in a gang on the police department team and found myself becoming a donator to both the old and new Orion management. But I still reminisce on the old days of Tanoa and all the fun me and my friends had together. I don't know just a thought that crossed my mind here. Lets hear some feedback Ill link a poll http://www.strawpoll.me/14189520/r because I don't know how the ones on here work. Thanks there is so much more I wanted to say but this is all I can express as of now. Thanks just write +1 if you agreee
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