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  1. I know they are already in the custom controls, I was asking them to be in the menu that you use the scroll wheel to access.
  2. There are 20 custom controls, and 10 unbind controls remaining. And I'm not saying to not keep the defaults. I am only suggesting a way to change them.
  3. I think if not all, most of the controls for asylum should be customizable, ex. Unlocking/locking vehicles, phone, etc. This would allow for efficiency for players because I feel like reaching for the U key in an emergency is a bit of a hassle. The way to do this would be to add them to custom controls like earplugs. Also another suggestion would be to add earplugs into the action menu.
  4. Was there a restart prior to that?
  5. I believe so, yesterday I had saved on server 3 and then it crashed and thats the first time i have experienced a rollback on these servers. It started from the second time server 3 crashed.
  6. Server 4 just hard restarted and it happened.
  7. Is there a time estimate for when the rollback problems will be solved? Progress up to a few mins or even an hour or more are being lost.
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