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  1. I fell that if someone sells money on Asylum, they should be protected from the admins, to ensure that people do not lose out on time spent making money. For example, if the transaction happens and no money is received by the issuer, then the person who received the money should lose it - and it be transferred back to the sellers account. This has just happened to me, so I feel very strongly about this - as i spent days making the amount of money I just lost.
  2. PICTURE OF HOUSE. https://gyazo.com/5db142dcb34acf9319f58c5c06afcb8c
  3. Server: 4 House, Garage: House House Size: 120k Location: Athira Asking Price: Offer a price / bid Description: Brilliant house for scotch, it is roughly 200-300m away from Wong's market, inside it contains: 2 ageing barrels, and 1 large crate (with barley, yeast, water, etc.
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