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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Clowryy

  1. Is the RCO alright to use? back when I was playing 5.0 everything seemed grand, I've used the ARCO/MRCO (green one, had a spliff and can't remember the exact one haha) all the time as civ and never actually noticed anything wrong with it
  2. It doesn't matter what was counted, he should of died for sure, you could of emptied a mag hand shake distance away and people on here will still complain "lel u wernt close enuf nly seen 7 shotz hit get gud lul rekt"... Where's the 5.0 community when I left, it seems the kids matured with sense but are still squeaky and have more fun and and the adults are retarded nowadays and toxic as fuck *Kavala is still aids
  3. I'm only back about 3 weeks and actually never used the MK17 scope only up until 4 days ago as a cadet, I was never actually informed it was messed up, I just used it because I thought it was the best available to the cadets at the moment, but thanks for the heads up I'm going to try something different, I still believe from the video that I had most shots on target but assuming the scope is messed and the overalls this really explains it, thanks man
  4. Look it doesn't really matter, this is the interwebz and no one is ever right, I just thought it was crazy, we could go on all day I see that I hit him, you see that I don't, that's what this is for
  5. I really don't think every single shot was missed sir edit: from the 22nd bullet to the 6th was aimed right on his head/person, that's 16 bullets that should be registered alone yeehaw
  6. Kelly I would love one, you know what to do
  7. Start recording and upload them as reports if there is no initiation to get them banned
  8. Ive got 3 pretty sweet houses in kavala s3
  9. Clowryy

    Rubbers LTD.

    I'll take 3 ifrits and 2 orcas?
  10. Best of luck on the videos, I'd try some Rainbow 6 if you haven't already. It looks pretty good
  11. Oh damn, someone done got fucked up
  12. Oh yeah I need to add people up on steam fast!
  13. Yeah it really does, I like the aspect of it I just don't have any friends that play it at all
  14. Shit I get you now, you probably thought I reported it and an Admin said it wasn't, that isn't the case man, I never even bothered, the person who said it wasn't RDM is actually the guy that killed me
  15. Na I actually didn't report it, I was never going to
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