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Posts posted by partyboycs

  1. Are non-lethals treated as lethals when it comes to rdm? 

    Say if someone says "hands up or die" to you, then you immediately put your hands up, then they taze you that is considered rdm correct? (considering the new rules that you cant just kill someone after they put their hands up)

    I find a lot of people abusing non-lethals especially in Kavala, tazing people for no reason, and re-tazing them multiple times without any punishment.

    - Another question.. This one pertains to laws instead of rules; If you have done nothing wrong (and have no bounty) and someone says hands up to you, you refuse and then they taze you, what should their crime be? Is that not "attempted murder" ? I had someone do that to me at least 5 times and the cop charged him with nothing, didn't even take away his bounty license.. and besides that scenario being law breaking is that rule breaking to or is that allowed? (Telling innocent people to put their hands up when you have a tazer, I thought bounty hunters weren't supposed to do that to innocent people, at least on the old server I used to play on)

    Thanks for any help, I know I asked a lot of questions.

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