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Posts posted by goyney

  1. In-Game Name: Goyneyyy
    Age? Pls dont lie: 16
    Time Zone: GMT
    Hours on arma 3(Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/463258bcf2ab6ce8551b3e118df6668a  Currently 1,481 Hours
    Hours on asylum: 500-600
    Previous Gangs: {VD}, [AIA], (3SAAS) Only ones I can remember
    Are you financially stable: Not really, I have 150k...
    Are you currently a member of the apd if so what rank: Nope
    Where did you find out about our gang: L1on
    What is you're interest in joining Infinite: I know a few people in this group and have recently shared membership with them in a gang ( {VD} ), L1on has recommended this gang as a strong and reliable gang, and I have experieience with playing with the members of this gang so I can assure that. Haven't recently been active due to a break from Asylum in general but intend to build that back up

    Cheers ;)

    George likes this
  2. In-game name: Goyneyyy

    Age: 16

    Timezone: GMT

    Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): Current Playtime is 1,391 Hours: https://gyazo.com/dd7fe554530c015fbb8281b01d4f17db​

    Previous gang affiliations: [AIA], and {VD}

    Why we should accept you: I have played Arma 3 all around; Various Life Servers, Wasteland, and a variety of Mods. I would say my skill set is suitable for the needs of this gang. Also, I am looking to get back into a reliable and strong gang.

    Any extra information: I am currently building a stable economy within Asylum, I was only in {VD} for a day.

  3. -In-game name: BCUK Goyneyyy

    -Age: 16

    -Location/Timezone: GMT

    -How long have you played on Arma3/Asylum Hours) (Screenshot Required) : 1' date='352 Hours as of now; Screenshot: [/font']http://tinyurl.com/h2wqgx8

    -Previous gang affiliations: [AIA], {VD}

    -Why are you interested in joining Dark-Horse Military: I would like to get back into Server #5 the proper way with a strong and reliable gang. I used to play with DHM a lot before the server went down. (TheDrunkenSoldier etc.)

    DENIED, good luck finding a gang in future

    You said in-game; I'm going to deny your application because you are in Void. I don't believe that you disgused in TeamSpeak in the short amount of time that you denied my app from when you said you were going to, to when you actually did, about 5 minutes. Even if, I don't believe that all comments were negative, but if that is true at least you are not the only one who is mostly disliked within the community, appologies for the debait on the forum, I don't feel it is fair.
  4. -In-game name: BCUK Goyneyyy

    -Age: 16

    -Location/Timezone: GMT

    -How long have you played on Arma3/Asylum Hours) (Screenshot Required) : 1' date='352 Hours as of now; Screenshot: [/font']http://tinyurl.com/h2wqgx8

    -Previous gang affiliations: [AIA], {VD}

    -Why are you interested in joining Dark-Horse Military: I would like to get back into Server #5 the proper way with a strong and reliable gang. I used to play with DHM a lot before the server went down. (TheDrunkenSoldier etc.)

    DENIED, good luck finding a gang in future

    What is your problem Fluxah? It isn't my fault that you are that arrogant, letting one in-game situation rule it out, what is the reason for the denial? Not that I don't already know
  5. -In-game name: BCUK Goyneyyy

    -Age: 16

    -Location/Timezone: GMT

    -How long have you played on Arma3/Asylum Hours) (Screenshot Required) : 1,352 Hours as of now; Screenshot: http://tinyurl.com/h2wqgx8

    -Previous gang affiliations: [AIA], {VD}

    -Why are you interested in joining Dark-Horse Military: I would like to get back into Server #5 the proper way with a strong and reliable gang. I used to play with DHM a lot before the server went down. (TheDrunkenSoldier etc.)

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