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Ben Flint

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Everything posted by Ben Flint

  1. right, but what I'm saying is that if you raise your settings your FPS may be better because you'll be using your GPU and not all CPU.
  2. I meant tweak your arma settings.
  3. Arma is one of the most CPU intensive games, if I were you I'd try to play with your settings because actually at low settings most of your load is on your CPU and not GPU, try turning your settings up a bit and see if there's any performance difference. If anything, your CPU is great. Upgrade your cooling system and do a bit of overclocking and see where that gets you, and make sure Arma is on your SSD.
  4. I'm just saying, I don't think it would be that hard to add a "take off the market" option.
  5. @CashM0N3Y this what you looking for?
  6. Server: S1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 220k Location (Town/DP#): Abdera Asking Price: Offers! Description: Best house in Abdera, can make tons of cash with this house. @Lucky meme
  7. just as autistic as I remember I love it
  8. where the fuck have you even been you robocop xd
  9. actually pretty impressed, nice work.
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