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Everything posted by LITTLE HANOI

  1. at what point did I state that this was a special video ??? or that killing APD was special or crazy in any way? I simply think it is funny nothing more and if you don't think it's funny, well just strip down naked and look at yourself in front of a full-length mirror and you will get a good laugh
  2. once again you are comparing the degree of difficulty, but you don't get a bonus cookie for the degree of difficulty, in the end, results are all that matters. I did not try and brag and say oh this was so hard for me to pull off, I simply said APD goes BOOM and the result was all the cops died = job done
  3. Well I only care about results not style points
  4. LMAO roasted ??? you haven't said anything that makes any sense kid and you cannot stop responding to me and at this moment I am the most important person in your life LMAO
  5. nobody cares kid if you are not having fun go play in traffic
  6. you needed someone to point out the fact you need an ifrit crutch or you get a little nervous on a push
  7. Well you need as much help as I can give you so when I feel you need to know something I make a comment
  8. I moved away from Flint 22 years ago and the water was not bad then but you would not know this because you were not born yet
  9. here's the thing though, it's not a joke.....TRUTH !!
  10. If only your approval really meant something to me but in reality your just a punk kid who gets bullied away from his keyboard and tries to be a fake tough guy online
  11. No, but I can teach you how not to get bullied and be scared away from your keyboard
  12. Some truth to your statement, I have actually had guys who blatantly broke the rules brag to me in game, don't waste your time making a report I have friends and nothing will happen and I make the report anyway and then 3 days later no action is taken and I get some lame excuse
  13. I have filed reports and it is a slam dunk case of RDM or VDM or Combat storing and the report will say action taken and I log on and the very same guy is playing and I message him and they say oh I talked my way out of it or some admins don't look at the logs and just brush the report off with no action taken, about the only reports I have filed that always have action taken are the reports on racism
  14. would the video get your approval if they were going let's say 10 km/hr LMAO man you kids will never get it, doesn't matter how fast they are going or armed, naked, in a chopper, with a gun, without a gun or whatever, a kill is a kill and the game gives you nothing extra for any other kind of a kill.
  15. Well there is a backstory to those guys in the quilin that you don't know about but yeah I had a good laugh and I always have a stroke while playing asylum
  16. the guy who made the video already has JSRS but thanks anyway
  17. I will tell you why there is so much hate because many of the guys commenting have a lot of pent-up sexual frustrations inside and need to get laid
  18. Well this comment lets me know you have nothing to come back with that has some intelligence and you call me names because you have no point
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