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King Destroyer

APD Officer
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Everything posted by King Destroyer

  1. 1 single mk in the whole gunfight, LISTEN carefully the guy shooting me pop pop pop is the rook guy and once i die he stops shooting...the mk was shooting to the left of me also pablo is on my left where the shots are coming from if you cant notice pablo does not kill me and hes got the only 7.62 there then youre watching the wrong video lol
  2. Wow nice never thought that was possible, it made me wonder how the fuck since i landed right in front of a katiba once and he couldnt pop me off pilot.
  3. That makes more sense, what a lucky bastard...id like to see a video on it tho to know which part of the cockpit never expose.
  4. Sorry man i dont do drugs, actually listen to the video and youll see the mk qas shooting at the pistol banger which had a rook none of those guys had an mk only pablo and if you actually did watch the video i was killed by kurtis
  5. also notice as soon is i get killed the rook stops shooting, and it was shooting slowly like trying to get a headshot
  6. the guy who killed me had a rook, thats why i was wondering how the fuck it happened
  7. yeah i know that but notice i got shot from the front and the window is intact, it was a fresh orca i just pulled out, and minutes after i see someone randomly teleport in front of me at rebel or couldve been desync im not sure
  8. dont come to my post with your nonsense, as soon as we pulled up they shot and rdmed hakeem, thats when we got into a gunfight
  9. the only mk in that gunfight is pablos shooting at the guy who is shooting the katiba, LISTEN and youll hear only one mk, katiba and a rook
  10. notice the only Mk shots are from pablo on my left, didnt think rook could pop the pilot off and we tried it after did not work
  11. then after i pull out another orca and go to rebel a random thing happens, desync?? or hacker
  12. I think that was our guy who got kicked off by the server nobody soft logged
  13. That was a fun bank...until we saw all the hunters coming our way
  14. yeah i wish i could afford a surefire laser and flashlight combo but at that price tag i can probably save up for another firearm
  15. Message me directly and tell me how much you want for an mxm or 2
  16. Lol salt because you annoy me? Get your attention whoring ass outta here...probably dont even play as a civ, so wouldn't understand what jonah is talking about, i repeat tho how sad is your life you gotta trash talk on peoples post? Think hard about that one...or dont and just be the cretin you are and post more stupid pics for attention
  17. Looking for an mxm but will keep in mind your black mk1 i never noticed it was swat equipment and i let my friend take it lol, i had one on a house i bought with crates already
  18. Seriously if you take time to talk shit on a random guys post, and even put kiddie shit like what you posted above, you really really gotta be a virgin, living in your moms trailer home...now go fuck off "oh youre salty" its overated
  19. Again with the nonsense bro, go somewhere else to talk shit, nobody cares what you think "crestedpenguin come shit talk" its not the title of my post youre just annoying honestly
  20. If you dont have what im looking for, please fuck off my post, and what crow said MOST cops rather go in guns blazing and get the hostages killed because they simply dont give a fuck they just want to get payed
  21. makes sense, but those karts could be really fun to see roaming around town lol
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