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  1. Haych's post in More Serious RP Rules? was marked as the answer   
    There is a reason Asylum is more popular then its Roleplay counter parts (ALUK and GTA). People play here because you have much more freedom, you can have much more fun without being restricted by strict roleplay rules.
    I've been a part of both communities of AltisLifeUK and GrandTheftArma and they both have very similar rules. It's fun if you're the type of person who enjoys roleplaying and I always +1 ALUK when people want a serious roleplay community. The only issue with both of these server is that if you pick combat over roleplay or show any toxic behaviour at all, you will get blanket banned.
    Asylum is not a serious roleplay server, it fills in the spot of being a heavy combat oriented Altis Life server. If you wan't to get better at the game and fight amongst the best Arma players, Asylum is the place for you. If you want to be a part of a nice community and enjoy roleplaying, ALUK is for you. I suggest staying away from GTA as they have a very young Admin team who tend to be immature at most times, however their development is light years ahead of ALUK's. 
    AltisLifeUK is a nice server, but unfortunately they are let down by there lack of development as they have a 14yr old developer who doesn't really know what he's doing, however the staff team is very nice and friendly. 
    So to sum it up.
    Asylum: Combat oriented, amazing features, terrible UI, a lot of bugs, amazing developer. Freedom. No NLR
    ALUK: Amazing community, amazing roleplay, terrible development, terrible UI, way to many bugs, terrible features. Strict rules. 15m NLR
    GTA: Immature Admins, good UI, best balancing, decent features, good developer, has the least bugs, semi strict rules. Strict NLR
    Olympus: Terrible at everything. 15m NLR.
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