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Clutch Opponent

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  1. In game name: Clutch Opponent Teamspeak name: clutch Timezone: Est Age: 28 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): 174 https://gyazo.com/85049c5a1ca9b850a6d3067649434beb What members can vouch for you?: None Why should we accept you into Exposed Gaming?: I'm competitive and mature. The server you are most active on?: S2 Previous Gangs, you were in?: None Most active time for you(weekdays, nights, weekends, etc.): 5-7 days a week. Weekends mostly all day available. Weekdays, generally early evening/late night and Tuesday+Friday any time.
  2. Ign: Clutch Opponent Steam name(link): clutch https://steamcommunity.com/id/clutchopp/home Age: 28 Hours: 157 How active will you be: 5-7 days a week 4-8~hrs daily Previous Gangs: None Any members that can vouch: No Any particular reason you want to become an honorary asshole? Looking for a competitive gang for cartels.
  3. In-game name: Clutch Opponent Age: 28 Hours on Arma 3 (Screenshot required): https://i.gyazo.com/85049c5a1ca9b850a6d3067649434beb.png Previous gangs: None Why would you like to join Prime: Looking for a competitive squad. Gotta put this farmed money to use. How active will you be? (Ex: 5-6 Days a week): 3-8~ hrs every day
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