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Posts posted by Buttercup

  1. Just now, Wildcard said:

    Yea I agree.  I just wanted to get an admins actual insight on whether warning shots can be initiation since the admin in question said they are not initiation.  And of course we get the same blanket answer, of "case by case basis"

    What I think Gnashes was implying is that he would need to see the video.


    If you sprayed 5 bullets from your mag and then instantly started shooting, he would ban you for RDM.


    But if you fired warning shots and the players had time to react AKA they did by flying closer to you even though warning shots were fired, he wouldn't ban you. 


    I don't think any admin is going to ban you for what you did as long as what you are saying happend. If someone fires warning shots at you, then you should be thinking oh shit myself and crew are in danger lets fly away. 


    Maybe i'm wrong, maybe i'm right.


    But i've never seen anyone get banned for doing this, and i've seen this happen many times.

  2. Just now, Wildcard said:

    I didnt wait 5 seconds......after the warning shots.  I mean here they are hovering in the middle of a street, the spot me standing in the street and begin flying towards me, I shoot warning shots, about 3 seconds later still flying toward me and maybe 15 meters off the ground, obviously trying to land to unload all 6 cops....so I spray the cockpit.  5 seconds shouldn't even matter.  The second they lower that helicopter and fly in my direction it should be justified to follow up with kill shots.  I could understand if I fired warning shots and they didn't move right away, then give them 5 seconds to decide.

    Your fine, if there was indeed an admin there and they thought it to be RDM you would be banned. 

  3. If you waited 5 seconds, it's not RDM. If you get banned appeal the ban. Simple put it says in the rules warning shots and then disabling the heli is fine. 

    Last time I checked Paratus put the rules in game, and I don't think any admin who has posted in this thread trumps his ruling. 

    A admin who says that your lucky no one is going to report you is dumb, because admins can ban you by seeing breaking a rule, they don't need evidence. Last time I checked. So obviously you were within your rights to do so. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Jaylen Sarrett said:

    only 15% of cops can even pull orcas out..

    it's not really fair to say that....

    If it changes nothing for you to take out third person, why are you complaining?

    Do you even read ? Please, get out of the thread if your not going to take time to read. 


    Who said I was complaining ? I just said no. Trust me, i've played enough with you and Slittcer to know that first person only isn't going to give you guys what it takes to win against gangs. Only leadership and good team work is going to do that, and the APD will always fail at that until you guys open your eyes up. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Outlander said:

    If anything cops would have a more fair fighting experience. Cops 99% of the time are on the offensive side of a battle. The defensive side on Asylum benefits most from 3rd person as they can use it to peek over obstacles to line up a shot before peeking or use it to see if someone is pushing without peeking. Having forced 1st person would make fights more fair.


    That is not true at all, not even a tad bit true, most of the locations that cops are fighting yes they are being offensive, but simple an Orca in the air is going to give all of the benefits of third person right back into the rebels hand. Also as you stated, we are already lining the shots up, at the feds and prison breaks we are already just scoped in most of the time. Third person being taken away changes nothing for us. 

  6. Well Slittcer, if you think it isn't hard to fight rebels, please do let me know, and I will round people up today and you can show us just how easy it really is to beat the big bad rebels! This usually ends up with a Captain ordering the cops off of the server. 


    You cops are getting spoiled because most of the gangs don't do anything anymore besides the newer ones and you think you've defeated the gangs. Lol. 

  7. No, to OP.


    If first person was here all the time, we would have a million cops crying about how much harder it is to play the game vs rebels, the cops are already bad enough without having the crutch of third person, if we took that away from them they would stand little to no chance anymore on these servers. No offence but the cops complaining in this thread are the cops who are already complaining that it's to hard to fight rebels now, and always saying rebels are OP.  Yet they want to make this change ? Lol. 

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