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Everything posted by Jigawatt

  1. its bad and you should feel bad
  2. Instead of ban appeal he files this....
  3. Jigawatt


    Sorry boys. We do not have a fourth
  4. Man this was a while ago. Good times. If they are pissing me off you can almost say with 100% certainty that I will lethal them instead of listening to them bitch.
  5. Too much flame and salt in this thread has needed to be hidden. Locked.
  6. Or your auto saved password does not work. That or you can't remember what your password is exactly.
  7. Report it to DJ. I don't have any control over the website.
  8. http://www.gaming-asylum.com/donate/
  9. Things to do today: make someone cry in a corner - Complete eat lunch - Incomplete go food shopping - Incomplete well at least I got one thing done today.
  10. Don't tell me what to do! You are not my dad
  11. I know. As I said im just reading. with the whole truck staying in one place before restart. Yes and no. If the save vehicle script that is run by the server does not work then it will not help.
  12. Oh I am just reading. Not locking. (I was the admin that denied the comp and answered his PM's)
  13. Same here. I am not going to spend an hour setting up an event only to have people cry when they don't have it exactly their way.
  14. You will notice in todays patch that we removed this. So yes it was an exploit
  15. I got promoted to Sgt without ever playing with Lt's or Sgt's. I played the game. Always welcomed cadets and tried to help out as best I could.
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