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  1. Hey future recruit! We are communists of Altis, a gang based in server 2. We have two founding members, me (Jakesan700/Jacob S) and Kiwiman87. As a gang we are interested in amassing huge funds and destabilizing the APD. We've tried robbing the Altis Bank once, and nearly succeeded. We can easily succeed with more members. Please fill out the form below: In-Game Name: Age: Estimated Asylum Time: Bank Balance: Have you ever been banned? Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? Current and Past Gangs? If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? Why do you want to join our gang? Do you know any members of our gang? Steam Name:
  2. Hey future recruit! We are communists of Altis, a gang based in server 2. We have two founding members, me (Jakesan700/Jacob S) and Kiwiman87. As a gang we are interested in amassing huge funds and destabilizing the APD. We've tried robbing the Altis Bank once, and nearly succeeded. We can easily succeed with more members. Please fill out the form below: In-Game Name: Age: Estimated Asylum Time: Bank Balance: Have you ever been banned? Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? Current and Past Gangs? If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? Why do you want to join our gang? Do you know any members of our gang? Steam Name:
  3. In game name? Jacob S how many hours on asylum and Arma hours? 300 on Arma 3, 30 on Asylum any experience with cartels and battles etc.? No why should we grant you the wings of a raven? I am an experienced Arma 3 players, with good aim and quick reaction time. I'm also very educated and smart. are you able to leave the nest alone and defend yourself? (MUST BE FINANCIAL STABLE) Yes, I have plenty of cash and know my way around a weapon. describe yourself in one word? Engineer
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