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Posts posted by Billybobjoe

  1. Ok, I feel like there should be a higher donor level than $250, for people like me and others who have already reached level 5. I do understand that $250 is a lot but when I either get a paycheck or get some a big amount of money I put it to this server so it can get better. And i feel like there should be a bigger goal for me to reach.

    Frizzy likes this
  2. In game name: Kappa

    Age: 16

    Hours on Arma 3 (Screenshot required): I'm on my phone so here is my steam, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075117381/

    Cop experince if so what rank: constable 

    What level donator are you: 5

    What Job are you applying for: Pilot/security 

    Why would you like to join TAA: because Australia really needs to have a good airlines that is cheap, fast, and reliable and I feel like other airlines are just a scam.

    What can you bring to TAA: I have been a pilot and passed all of my pilot training courses with all 100's. I am also a private military contractor for the island of altis and feel like I can use my experiences to help protect you and your fleet.

    How active will you be? (Ex:5-6 Days a week): I'm on 8 days a week, and yes that's not a typo. I'm on so much that obama had to make another day for me ;)

    What experience do you have to bring to the profession your applying for: I have been piloting planes since I was 3 years old, I was called squeaker Joe. Over the years that I have been on this planet I have become a god at piloting and crashing is never a factor when I am flying. 

  3. Just now, Dr.Strangelove said:

    What is the criteria which make one great at trolling? pistol banging? The really creative trolls are funny, I don't see the connection between walking up and Shooting someone and being great. 

    Kavala trolls is what we name people in Kavala that run around pistol banging 24/7 and being actually good at it 

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