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Posts posted by thebeamerking

  1. Man it really breaks my heart seeing Mitch go but I have a couple worthy memories to share that I hope he remembers. Let me just start off by saying that no matter what anyone thinks or has an opinion on Mitch he was one of the most down to earth people who understood what his community wanted and really made Asylum fun for us. He really made it seem like he was one of us which really made it a worth experience while he was owner. But let me start off sharing my favorite memory of when I’m casually minding my own business with like less than 15 people on. I’m busy processing my scotch at spirit distillery and munching on some Jersey Mike’s when I hear rustling of grass in my earphones. Some random ass naked dude with a PDW comes up from the back side attempting to be as silent as possible as a ninja and stalk my ass while I’m processing my 25 year. I third person the back window and what do you know there’s this rando that’s really trying to sneak up on me. Keep in mind I’m thinking it’s a rabbit or some shit but he made it within 5 meters of the window and he scared the living shiet out of me. I peaked and killed him but when I tell you I left dookie stains in my underwear oh man was that a encounter. A few minutes later I go up the road to the gas station to refill water for the ingredients and he told me it was him. I had no idea who he was at first but it was my first and most worthy encounter with him. My second favorite is when there’s 20+ people in Athira square. Mitch and Ronald and are hanging around and I get clapped by somebody from a random gang. I was like hmm here’s my opportunity to show these mofos what’s up. I go to my house pick up a sui drive into athira see like 10 cars and the whole street filled like a market on a Sunday. I yell Allah Akbar in direct and detonate the sui. Bro when Insay it looked like a nuke had dropped in athira all the cars had launched in the air or blown up. The entire kill feed is full of names. Everyone starts laughing in side and in game. I get revived by Mitch and he sends me to timeout where you can’t leave the server like the admin jail thing. Good times. Or when one time he brough the artillery truck into athira I hopped into the gunner seat and started blasting and he put me in admin timeout. Good ass times man. Goanna miss you Mitch. I hope to the best things in life come to you brother. Peace 

  2. Here’s my two cents in this. 
    When I speak for a lot of the vets who have been on this server it’s not a wipe we are looking forward. Rather we want something drastic changed with money making/ income etc. Lot’s of these guys worked many months and years to accumulate their incomes and houses and wiping all that would discourage a huge player base from returning to the server. Rather my second thought on it would be that a wipe would serve no purpose as to after a few months everything would return to normal as it would be prior to the wipe. Now a suggestion I would be willing to implement since we are trying to keep this a realism server, is to open up something where there could be larger scale gang wars. Maybe a new server or on fire free zone in the south peninsula where there could be a large scale war with tanks jets and helicopters as they would use the originality of arma with something of that war like simulator implemented into a life server. The main problem that asylum encounters is that fresh spawns are heavily vulnerable and discouraged while the big guys who are rich to endless times can camp big cities or anything to their liking while never having to worry about loosing kits. I think maybe a progressive tax system to go against the rich is beneficial. Change the governed system. But yea that’s pretty much some ideas on top of my head. Hopefully it helps. If you need any clarification your free to reply to me

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