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Posts posted by Gman

  1. Shoulda perma wipe all.  People who are rich dont want it but anyone new does not want to play.  I got about 10 buds who just mess around on a private server sometimes or join wasteland stuff because you join Aslyum and super geared, mega rich people can do and do do anything they want to you and you cannot compete at all.

  2. - In game name: Gman

    - Link to Steam Account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242142072/

    - Age: 17

    - Why do you want to join?: I have seen the White Pony Army and they kick @$$.

    - Previous Gangs and/or Experience: Warriors just friends in it.

    - If someone gave you the task of painting New York red, how would you go about completing this task?: I would get a big airplane and dump red paint all over the city:).

    - What is your form of making money in game, and is it stable?: Drugs, yes

  3. In Game Name:



    Length of time playing Arma/Altis Life in hours (steam screenshot):

    Server previously played on (if any):

    Amount of time on the Aslyum servers:

    Have you been banned before? (If so give the reason why):

    On a scale of 1-10 how good are you at RP?:

    On a scal of 1-10 how good are you at working with others?

    Reason for Application to Warriors (50 word minimum):

    What can you bring to {W}:

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