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Posts posted by Imperial

  1. On April 17, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Triple said:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3? 1300

    2. How old are you?18

    3. What is your in game name?TS

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum? Twisted 

    5. What cartel experience do you have? It doesn't matter because you guys don't take any.

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? I wanna shit on twisted 

    Denied, unless you can convince me otherwise. Also need a screenshot of hours...

  2. 8 hours ago, Radi3a1 said:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3?


    2. How old are you?


    3. What is your in game name?


    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum?

    "Thug Life"

    5. What cartel experience do you have?

    None :(

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia?

    Expert: Flyer and sniper at any range 100m- 2.5k

    Accepted for interview please check your messages

  3. 1 hour ago, [ゥ] Bronx said:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3? 1389 https://gyazo.com/7e7271812268bc0d87745f4589c35c75

    2. How old are you? 18

    3. What is your in game name? Bronx

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum? Look At signature below

    5. What cartel experience do you have? all 

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? i can fly, know how to fight every cartel, and am a 1 year veteran on asylum

    Accepted for interview, check your messages.

  4. 4 hours ago, MrThomas said:

    Application Format:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3? I have 720 hours. https://gyazo.com/678c7ca4ccfd64be765b509018ba2d38

    2. How old are you? 16

    3. What is your in game name? Thomas

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum? Drugstore Cowboys

    5. What cartel experience do you have? I used to do bank robberies, herion runs, kidnapping and alot of robbing on a server called altislife.co.uk.

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? I could try to make it a bigger ''scarier gang'' I know alot 

    Denied, seeing as how you also applied to the Angels shows you don't have full interest in the altis militia.

  5. 2 hours ago, a1beefsauce said:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3? 379

    2. How old are you? 17

    3. What is your in game name? A1beefsauce

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum? not many, just a gang with a few friends

    5. What cartel experience do you have? some

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? I am a crazy mofo and ill take on any task given to me. i dont care if i die or go to jail, im ready to kill.

    Accepted, check you messages.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Porter said:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3? 364Hrs 

    2. How old are you? 15

    3. What is your in game name? Porter

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum? FLW.

    5. What cartel experience do you have? I have fought them.

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? I have an orca so i can move cars etc. and help spot baddies.

    Accepted for interview. Teamspeak ip has been sent to you. :)

  7. 13 hours ago, Jiffle said:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3? 345Hrs 

    2. How old are you? 16

    3. What is your in game name? Taylor

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum? Pig Roast, Death Crew.

    5. What cartel experience do you have? I have enough experience fighting cartels. I'll be decent help at fights.

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? I'll help run drugs, do cartels and everything inbetween to help this gang become great.

    Accepted for interview, teamspeak ip has been sent to you. Check your messages.

    Jiffle and Port like this
  8. About us: The altis militia is a new gang to asylum. However we are very experienced players with over 1200 hours on arma 3. The altis militia will focus mainly on rebel activity such as taking turfs and cartels, robbing banks and the fed etc. The altis militia started as a group of friends and we are now looking to expand for some new players that are both experienced but willing to learn. If any of this interests you please apply below. If your application looks good you will be accepted for an interview and given a teamspeak ip.





    Generals: Imperial, Jiffle/Taylor, Krypt


    Officer:Aldensmith, Porter, A1beefsauce


    Privates: Hunter, Jericho, Alpha, Noah/Dirtykeller


    Recruits: Radi3al, Illuminated, Kenny, LeggoMyEggo




    • At least 250 hours on arma 3
    • At least 15 years old
    • Cartel experience preferred
    • Must be able to support yourself financially 
    • Must speak english
    • Must have a working microphone and teamspeak 3
    • Must know tactical comms


    Application Format:

    1.How many hours do you have on arma 3?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What is your in game name?

    4. What previous gangs have you been in on asylum?

    5. What cartel experience do you have?

    6. How will you benefit the altis militia? 

    Jiffle likes this
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