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Everything posted by Hydro

  1. ye cuz denied told me something about his uncle.. i told him i take both denied and his uncle, then denied dropped out and snitched to admins.. little cry baby
  2. Makes me so proud kanki seeing that you actually get some kills theese days.. our times togheter gave me back issues, the doctor wrote out some good morphine before today so now i can at least stand up straight, so maybe we can start playing togheter again +10
  3. That is some faggot admin, fucking with you becouse i didnt edit it like that..
  4. Hydro


    'Bishop after this music video you did.. you dont get to talk haha 1:20 the black guy with the spinner thats @Bishop
  5. i know you all gonna be so pissed so i just cant help myself.. here is my montage from olympus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hf2wjKnycc&t=
  6. i was hoping he man up he run away instead
  7. Hahahahahahah RC MOTHERFUCKASS!!! okej bara för du starta igång mig, ska skriva en diss till dig här Dizzle du slickar bagges lilla rumpa, bara för att stanna och inte bli demotad jag hörde du skicka dic pics till skittles från din lur? dumpa hon sin kille framför en teamspeak filur? du kommer alltid till mig för och lära dig och aima ey cadet hydro glider in klickar hela asylum denied är en fitta, han ville starta krig Han ringde mamma bilal, för han visste jag skulle ta hans liv jag är permad härifrån, MEN KUNDE INTE BRY MIG NEJ! Jag har fått ligga TVÅ GÅNGER NU SEN JAG LÄMNA DENNA SKITEN EY
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltJ-LAxHc7M&t=3s
  9. Here is the youtube video for unfacebookers xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPmYJ2lxzoU
  10. @Warrior So apache my good friend.. you saying under all this time i know you, you been hiding that you can sing aswell? i know you rap i mean we heard the flowless disses to gnashes and tiger #Get_ClaCkeD . But this was a secret i found interesting watching and listening to https://www.facebook.com/277835252375181/videos/541132212712149/?autoplay_reason=gatekeeper&video_container_type=0&video_creator_product_type=0&app_id=6628568379&live_video_guests=0
  11. Hahah i go for sleep for 8 hours, stereos mom kicking nicki minaj out of warner bracket.. Spiderman putting Desiigner in a wheel chair.. Spider spider spider, i got spides in atlanta WTFS GOING ON!?
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