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T SPartan

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Everything posted by T SPartan

  1. I see what you're saying, And if that was the case we know what gangs are good.
  2. Look at these locations I think a lot of people might like these.
  3. Yeah I didn't really play much but it seem fun, and my friends are helping me out.
  4. @Jaylen Sarrett what rank are you?
  5. I ain't the best still learning but thanks I guess.
  6. I guess yeah but a lot of them were from different server, and also most weren't at cartels
  7. How do you make so many montages like every week? Nice video btw
  8. Middle one. That was my first wrestling Tournament of my sophomore year.
  9. Is that what the outside world looks like?
  10. Looking pretty fly @Valkyrie
  11. You're say it's just a gamer but you were just talking shit to me over the forums not even 12 hours ago.
  12. I guess me clicking my mouse and walking with my keyboard is obvious of Hacks
  13. @McLovin' No one said you had to open the thread but you did bud
  14. If you look at the 1st video that there and if you looked at the rest that video that I had it has all the clips in one. now I'm not sure if you were using your head well enough before you decided to comment here about it but you accomplished nothing here just now and simply just trying to start another toxic argument on the forums that only going to get this post locked by an admin when he feel enough has been said. Please do me a favor keep your retarded ass comments to your self. Honestly a lot of you guys here think that this is life and you have to be the best at the game to get you name out there. Where? where is your gamer name going to get you in life? How is getting respect from people on a stupid game going to put food on the table cloths on your back? What is being the best player on asylum going to get you in life? Yeah talk shit here and there but some of you haven't woken up yet to realize that it's a game just enjoy it stop trying to be something on a game when you could use that time you spend that time to make your IRL name big. Yeah I make videos it was something cool to do, Now people here feel like you're getting paid to be the best here. So Addon every single day you take time out of your day because you get paid to look at peoples profiles to see if they're are improving on a game and meeting your pointless standards. Making yourself look more and more retarded Addon
  15. @SwisherZ and @White a lot of Shield guys applying here.
  16. @Mayhem and @Durga do you remember this? <3
  17. For CSGO player take these ahk's https://gyazo.com/55927e0546a1b8a69a955ad5b16501be
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