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Everything posted by Shawraraka

  1. ... what? i have never been in combat when my orca is landed without losing it lol
  2. Willing to pay 200k for a garage in Dp14
  3. what if they keep coming. do u have to wait till they pull out a gun to actually kill them or can u kill them if theyre coming at u while ur shooting warning shots around them?
  4. i do interact with people i just see a car rolling up in the distance driven by FSA or someone who is known for jacking and currently i cant do anything until the guys with in full rebel gear get out and hold their guns to my face
  5. not saying u should be allowed to kill immediately but at least u should be able to shoot warning shots and if they keep coming then that should be considered initiation
  6. well then people who are trying to make money have to watch a car driving up and know that they are about to get robbed and cant do anything until the car is right next to them holding a gun at them... that seems fair
  7. I feel as though the RDM rules need to be reevaluated also as they're highly in favor of the attackers as someone can roll up when I'm Mining and I'm not allowed to start shooting until they say they're robbing me or else it's RDM. I would prefer being allowed to shoot warning shots from afar at least and if they keep coming then that should be considered initiation allowing you to shoot them.
  8. Looking to buy a house in dp19. I would prefer a house with a garage but im not too picky. If anyone has any offers tell me and I'll accept any reasonable prices (im not buying a run down shack for 100,000).
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