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Posts posted by Mac

  1. Name: (in-game) Dundee

    Time Zone: BST

    ArmA 3 Time: (hrs) 660


    Previous Gang affiliation: (old) saints :'(

    What can you bring to the team? Rooks

    Why do you want to be a Saint? It's where my home is.

    Do you have Rebel experience? Yes from playing cop' date=' robbing banks, feds, prison breaks, camping meth XD.[/size']

    Accepted. See you in TS

  2. Seems like nothing ever pleases Arma eh? Well thanks for the confirmation Mac' date=' I'll stick with what I purchase and push towards i7 when the price isn't so daunting. The way I see it, i7 is just another step in future proofing a build. [/quote']

    i7 doesn't mean better. Some high end i5's can outdo low end i7's. Just study the chips and which ones oveclock better.

  3. If the Motherboard supports the new CPU, it's as easy as removing the heatsink (clean and replace paste) and swap out the processor chip (clean and replace paste).

    You have to make sure the motherboard supports the new CPU. I couldn't upgrade my old rig because the mobo didn't support the cpu I wanted, so basically it's a domino effect of replacing components to support other swapped components. Use PCPartPicker.com to select everything you have and will be upgrading to make sure everything is compatible. It'll tell you towards the top when you're done putting the rig together on the site.

  4. The 4690K will still make you knock the graphics settings down if you plan to stream/record. The 970 is beneficial, but ArmA will rape that CPU before anything.

    I got fed up with ArmA bullshit that I said fuck it and chose a 5960X and dual 980 ti's. We'll see who's laughing now, arma!

    Regardless, the 4690K and 970 will do you right on basically every other game. ArmA is just ArmA.

  5. I know, it sounds bad, It doesn't seem like something I would suggest since I talk so much shit about people treating the server like a Wasteland server, rather than a Life server, but there are two features that I think would suit well for rebels on Asylum. Just a suggestion.

    Stabilize - The ability for any player to stabilize another player after being killed, to give medics more time to reach areas far away from large cities by stopping the countdown to bleedout. This would also leave rebels who are careless open for attack when attempting to stabilize/revive in wide open areas, forcing more of a tactical approach.

    Drag - Your typical drag feature, being able to pull people out of line of fire when in gun battles.

    I know this would be a bit more than just adding these features, since players on Asylum are killed and then revived, rather than injured and revived, but I think it'd make it a lot more immersive when it comes to battle. Not to mention, medics are basically worthless any further than 20ft out of Kavala but some are willing to fly to areas, at the very least teammates clear across the map who have defibs.

    Just throwing it out there.

  6. Name: (in-game) Yori Rection

    Time Zone:Est

    ArmA 3 Time: 2000


    Previous Gang affiliation: The Saints

    What can you bring to the team? My charming good looks and attitude

    Why do you want to be a Saint? Because i love u guys and loved the gang before we took a break

    Do you have Rebel experience? of course


  7. Name: Nick

    Time Zone: EST

    ArmA 3 Time: (hrs): 300

    Age: 19

    Previous Gang affiliation: None

    What can you bring to the team? Dedication' date=' determination, strategy.[/size']

    Why do you want to be a Saint? Friends with Reckless, meet Mac and am fond of both

    Do you have Rebel experience? No, but have been looking for a group to do so with.

    Accepted for interview. Please wait for an invite to the TeamSpeak.

  8. Name: Reckless

    Time Zone: EST

    ArmA 3 Time: 1409

    Age: 18

    Previous Gang affiliation: The Saints

    What can you bring to the team? Driver' date=' Combat Experience, Willing to do anything for my gang

    Why do you want to be a Saint? Coming back to my home.

    Do you have Rebel experience? Yes[/size']

    Accepted. See you in TS

  9. Name: Corgi

    Time Zone: EST

    ArmA 3 Time: 977

    Age: 17

    Previous Gang affiliation: The Saints

    What can you bring to the team? Combat experience' date=' Koth, Asylum, ect.[/size']

    Why do you want to be a Saint? Old member reporting back for duty.

    Do you have Rebel experience? Yes

    Accepted. See you in TS

  10. Name: mitch

    Time Zone: eastern

    ArmA 3 Time: 670

    Age: 17

    Previous Gang affiliation: gangs on different servers

    What can you bring to the team? long and mid range combat skills' date=' drug running[/size']

    Why do you want to be a Saint? you guys seem squared away

    Do you have Rebel experience? a little manly lay low

    Application Timeout. Did not respond in an appropriate amount of time. Contact a gang member for reconsideration.

  11. Name: (in-game) Shark

    Time Zone:(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

    ArmA 3 Time: (hrs) 420

    Age: 17.5

    Previous Gang affiliation: old gangs on different servers. and also used to be a leader of a gang of 28 people.

    What can you bring to the team? i can provide helpful advice and knowledge of battle and im also a good drug runner.

    Why do you want to be a Saint? you guys seem like a good group to be part of.

    Do you have Rebel experience? No never had the time to become one i mostly just be stealthy when doing illegal activitys. always willing to become one. but i was one on different servers.

    Application Timeout. Did not respond in an appropriate amount of time. Contact a gang member for reconsideration.

  12. You can basically run to any location on Stratis, location means less on that server than any other. The closer you are to Agia, the more bullshit and house raiders you'll experience. You want to talk about not finding a house and it's affect on price? Go to Server 3 and try and find a warehouse. Finding a seller would still net me a warehouse for 100k less than what he's asking for a shack that can't hold multiple crates...on a server that has a history of disappearing for an extensive period of time.

    Good luck with that.

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