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Everything posted by adam001234

  1. Bring strife back there is enough interest
  2. http://imgur.com/RFiBgzH ( this is at 5:00 ) http://imgur.com/b6gk2LU This is right after the 5min video. so just a move to the right.
  3. Hello people . Today somebody me RDM I accidentally clicked f5 1seconds before( shadowplay ) , so now I have two videos ' 1 video where 5min on it, and after that on that video that I am RDM after 30 seconds. But I question is , is it bad that I have 2 videos? to use as a reporter because it is not in a row . but it clearly shows that nothing is cut. Every person who is smart will see the obvious , but as yet I ask .
  4. Hi man can you show me the proof of my rdm? 

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