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- RJ -

APD Officer
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Everything posted by - RJ -

  1. Nice update and i will probably have a lot of people hate this comment, BUT WHEN ARE COPS GETTING A UPDATE ??????????????????????
  2. Wish i actually recorded it, because on my end, he was going HAM on the drums lol
  3. Well you see, you first have to have friends lol
  4. Just a little clip of what LT DarkKnight does in his off time CLICK HERE
  5. SImple fix, set it when a bank is active, you cannot start a Fed or Prison. Once the bank ends have a 5 mins timer before being able to start anything
  6. Just bought one closer to my other houses lol
  7. Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Garage House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70K Location (Town/DP#): Abdera Asking Price: 100 Description: You know you want it to do your dirty business. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/1bbea7a7492da437b8d2e2385d944750 https://gyazo.com/6d3eb835300849546389789dd68db76b
  8. LOL. Think you caught them offguard from not blowing up lol
  9. Love in the video they keep saying they, like it was more then me lol That gas drained quick. RIP
  10. So this happened with a MK20 Sorry for the big LOL
  11. Think it needs more then meth. The server is far behind the others. Prison is so boring with four walls. No way to decrease bounty or anything to look at. Things are harder to interact with, Gates and all. Risk. The reward is not great. I think with some love we will see a increase in server pop.
  12. Scotch sells the most from what i know. 1050 each
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