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Posts posted by Dakinehernandez

  1. 11 hours ago, Bailey said:

    In-game name: Bailey.
    Age: 18
    Timezone: CT
    Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): around 1400 https://gyazo.com/becc8bdfb26800ac5a9b5d41b7f1bfa7
    Previous gang affiliations: have been hanging out with many gangs never joined any for noticeable time.
    Why we should accept you: I'm a smart person and even smarter player. I am loyal and determined. When i want something i reach for it. My goals don't end same with my skills. My ARMA hours are mostly KOTH And Asylum. I'm very experienced with cartels and banks etc. I'm also set on money and prepared for anything.
    Any extra information:Because of work I can play usually up to 10 hours a day. 
     Kelly and I have known each other for awhile she recommended i apply. Im very simple and dont carry drama. I also like and respect the insanity gang. Also I change names a lot so you probably don't recognize me! Thanks for reading my app if any further questions come across just PM me Also im the 100th post in the recruitment thats goodluck

    You forgot to tell them that your csgo rank is silver master elite. Gunplay 10/10

    Bersabee and George like this
  2. 39 minutes ago, Spankbank said:

    I think you fail to realize that all of us Admins have been on the other side of your argument. We all started out as rebels or career cops. We know the money grind. However due to the nature of our duties we don't necessarily have time to sit there and grind cash. The weapons and gear we use don't just poof right in the middle of battle. We travel to our homes or rebel when we get gear

    and im going apple picking with scooby doo.

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