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Everything posted by Blitzkrieg

  1. Hello there fellow forum browsers! My name is Ethan, and I'm the founder of the gang, Wolves. Obviously, if you're viewing this you're interested in joining up with a gang. A little information about the gang, we are not a strict rebel only gang, we frequently do drug runs on server two, and like to have fun. We are currently interested in recruiting new members with reasonable skill sets who are interested in having fun and making money. Questions will be asked to see if you have the requirements for entry in the form of an interview over TeamSpeak or Steam chat. If you are interested, make sure to fill out the information below and if you have any questions about the gang, the requirements, or the interview, feel free to message me. In-Game Name - Age - Estimated Asylum Time - Number of Arma hours - Bank balance - Have you ever been banned and why- Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak - Current and Past Gangs - If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave - Why do you want to join our gang - Do you know any members of our gang - Reason you want to join -
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